Here it is. I spent a few minutes formatting it to make it somehwat readable. the Dad John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Author's Questionnaire Complete Book Title: The ProgramLive Companion (bundled with ProgramLive) I. Author Information: Please list the names, addresses, telephone numbers and current affiliations of all authors as they are to appear on the book's title page or in advertising. Please note the primary author contact for promotional material. Name: Paul Gries Affiliation: Computer Science, University of Toronto School Address: Computer Science Home Address: 17 Wallace Ave University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario M6H 1T4 Canada Telephone Number: office (416) 978-6322 home: (416) 535-51127 Fax Number: E-Mail Address: Name: Petra Hall Affiliation: None (Petra is a parttime undergraduate student at the University of Toronto) School Address: Home Address: 17 Wallace Ave Toronto, Ontario M6H 1T4 Canada Telephone Number: home: (416) 535-51127 Fax Number: E-Mail Address: Name: David Gries Affiliation: Computer Science, University of Georgia School Address: Computer Science Home Address: 1190 Mallard Circle Boyd Grad Studies Res. Center Bogart, GA 30622 University of Georgia Athens, GA Telephone Number: office: (706) 583-0395 home: (706) 310-0370 Fax Number: (706) 542-2966 E-Mail Address: II. Personal Information: A. Please attach an up-to-date vita or a short autobiography including areas of research, publications authored, committee affiliations, honors and other significant information that would be helpful in the promotion of your text. David Gries’s web site is His vita can be obtained from there. In addition, a short biography is attached. Paul Gries’s web site is His CV is attached. Petra Hall does not have a web page. She is Paul’s wife. She had a daughter on 9 September 2000. She is finishing her undergraduate degree part time at the University of Toronto. B. What event(s) motivated you to write this text? Please include any "stories" that might be appropriate for sales representatives to share with potential adopters of your text. The motivation for the development of the livetext ProgramLive (which comes bundled with the Companion to ProgramLive) was the dissatisfaction with traditional books as a medium for getting across difficult and dynamic concepts. Execution of a program, even the development of a program, are dynamic; they take time. And it is difficult to explain them using the static medium of paper. Also, we wanted to give the students lectures that they could repeat over and over again, even when their instructor was not present. These lectures (with synched animation) are better than almost any instructor can give on a blackboard, bec ause they are polished, short, and to the point and because of the synched animation. This aspect of ProgramLive should be stressed by sales representative. If possible, they should have a ProgramLive with them, which they can place in the person’s computer and show it, live. The Companion to ProgramLive provides several things (0) a Lesson plan (or two), which guides the teacher and a student through a course on programming using ProgramLive; (1) For each lecture on ProgramLive, a list of questions to answer, right in the Companion itself. The Companion acts like a workbook. Filling out the workbook questions guides the student in their studies and promotes good learning of the material. Further, when finished, the student has notes on paper that can be used for studying. (2) References: a summary of the language Java, notes on downloading and using Java, and an appendix that contains the specifications for many of the Java API classes. This fundamental resource is more complete than in any other text on programming using Java. III. The Market: For which courses might your text be adopted? Beginning with the primary course for which you intended your text to be used, please list, in descending order, all courses in which your text might realistically be used. Course Title Dept Offered Level Fr/Soph/Jr /Sr/ Grad/MB A Main Text or Supplement 1 or 2 Semesters or Terms Fr Supplement 1 semester Introduction to Programming Using Java Computer Science, Computer Engineering, MIS Freshman High school Main Text (along with the CD ProgramLive) 1 semester Introduction to Computer Science Computer Science, Freshman Main Text (along with the CD ProgramLive) 1 semester IV. Detailed Text Information: 1. Please write a detailed description of your book no more than 200 words such as might be used on back cover of the book or in our catalog. Describe your principal purpose in writing the book. If not already in our hands, please attach a copy of the table of contents and the introduction or preface. The livetext ProgramLive, which comes on a CD, and its paper Companion provide an entirely new medium of instruction. ProgramLive, written by internationally known, award-winning educators, has over 250 recorded lectures with synched animation --over 500 minutes of high-quality material on programming using Java and object-oriented programming. The ProgramLive Companion provides lesson plans, workbook-like questions for students to answer as they listen to lectures, and reference material. This paper supplement can be invaluable when a student is away from the computer. Using ProgramLive, students can control the pace of instruction; they can easily repeat or skip parts of lectures. Included also are drag-and-drop exercises, instructions for over 30 labs, a glossary that is unmatched in any other programming textbook, and quick access to Java programs used in the livetext. The lesson plans in ProgramLive Companion can help teachers organize their courses, and those studying programming by themselves will find them invaluable. ProgramLive Companion also serves as a workbook: for each ProgramLive lecture, there are questions for the students to answer, right in the text itself. When finished, the student has written in the text all the important issues and concepts, for later study. Finally, the appendices contain a concise language summary and specifications of more Java API classes than any other text. 2. Please write a short description of the book (about five lines) such as might be used in a scholarly or scientific journal. 3. Please list, in order of importance, at least four outstanding features of your book that will appeal to potential instructors and students. Please identify the benefits to both student and instructor and cite a specific example where each occurs in your text. By “the book”, I assume you mean the bundle of ProgramLive and The ProgramLive Companion Feature: 250 real, recorded, lectures with synched animation. No other text has this. Benefit to Student: The ability to listen to a lecture, even when an instructor is not present Example: Who understands what the teacher says the first time? Benefit to Instructor: The instructor can use these lectures in the classroom or just assign them as suplementary material (like reading in a book). Example: We have used ProgramLive as follows. We discuss a topic for a few minutes and then play a ProgramLive lecture for the students, stopping once in a while to expand on what is being said and to answer questions. It reduces preparation time for a lecture and makes for more interesting lectures. Feature: Lesson plan in The ProgramLive Companion Benefit to Student: Those learning on their own will benefit immensely. Example: Benefit to Instructor: Will help the teacher prepare the sllabus for the course, indicating in precise detail what material should come at each point. Example: Feature: Workbook-like feature of The ProgramLive Companion –for each lecture on ProgramLive, the Companion contains questions for the student to answer right in the Companion itself. Benefit to Student: Being forced to answer the questions means the student is an active participant and will learn far more effectively. Example: Often, students will just skim a chapter in a text and believe they are finished, so they don’t really study and learn. Having to answer questions makes them active participants, and they will learn far more effectively. Also, they then have a written summary for later study. Benefit to Instructor: Example: Feature: Labs and homeworks and projects in ProgramLive make it easy for an instructor. Benefit to Student: Example: Benefit to Instructor: Many courses now have labs, where the student goes into a lab (with many computers) and follows a guided activity. ProgramLive contains over 30 such labs, or guided activities, on a number of topics. This will make it far easier for the instructor to come up with labs. Example: Want to write a lab that shows students that people outside the US may use different formats for numbers, currencies, and percents, as well as show them the idea of a Locale, as they learn about object-oriented programming using Java? That lab is already prepared. It’s neat! E. Please list any possible objections (such as length, organization, theoretical approach, etc.) that may be raised by potential adopters. Please explain why such objections may be raised as well as how your text would overcome those objections. What feature(s) would you emphasize to turn it into a positive selling point? 1. The main objection that teachers seem have is that the lectures on ProgramLive are far better than they can give in a classroom! But they can look at it as an advantage, instead of a disadvantage. For example, if you don’t know how a topic or how best to present it, listen to the ProgramLive lecture on it! Here are different ways of using ProgramLive: (a) Lecture as you normally do, and assign “reading” (lectures) in ProgramLive. (b) Ask the students to listen to a few ProgramLive lectures beforehand; then you will have an easier time talking about the material and can go into mmore depth. (c) Use ProgramLive in the classroom; alternate between its lectures (projected on a screen) and your own comments. This makes preparation easier, makes for a more lively time in the classroom, and requires less energy from you. VI. Supplements A. Please list the supplements that will help differentiate your book from the competition and what makes these supplements distinguishable. 1. No text has a Lesson plan like that in The ProgramLive Companion. 2. No text acts like a workbook (the way The ProgramLive Companion does), where the students is encouraged to write down answers to questions, definitions, and whatever else they feel is important. This is a new and exciting addition to the traditional way of presenting course materials. 3. The language summary in The ProgramLive Companion is more extensive than in other texts. 4. The specifications of the JAVA API classes in The ProgramLive Companion are far more extensive than in any other text. 5. No text can match the glossary in ProgramLive for ease of use and size. B. In what ways does your text and support package address technology issues within the market? Do you include any special components with your text such as software? 1. No other text in programming has real live, recorded lectures with synched animation. This is far ahead of the competition! 2. The CD ProgramLive contains all the Java programs used as examples and for homeworks and projects and labs, and it’s extremely easy for the student to access them. B. How can a website complement and extend the reach of your text to the college market? What features would you want to include on a website? What is the competition doing on the web? We will be building a website for ProgramLive and The ProgramLive Companion. In late March, we will get back to you about this. VII. The Competition: Please list the major competitors to your text as shown below. Be frank in your comparison of viewpoint, scope, degree of rigor, emphasis, etc. This information will be used to make an objective appraisal of the competition in order to effectively market your book in a competitive environment. For Example: We don’t want to get into a discussion of the weakness of other texts. ProgramLive and its companion The ProgramLive Companion are so different in nature that it doesn’t make sense to compare it to other texts. Instead, stress two things: 1. No other programming text has real live lectures. This is far ahead of the competition! No other paper text has a detailed lesson plan like that in The ProgramLive Companion. No other text has a reference section (the API classes) like that in in The ProgramLive Companion. 2. ProgramLive and The ProgramLive Companion were written by educators who have won many awards. David Gries is the only person to win the four international computer-science education awards: from AFIPS, IEEE Computer Society, ACM, and ACM SIGCSE. His son, Paul, has already won several education awards at the universities he has worked (Cornell and Toronto). 3. David Gries is internationally known for his research and textbooks in programming methodology, compiler writing, and discrete mathematics. Paul balances that with the younger generation’s view and a penchant for making things as simple as possible. This bundle (ProgramLive and The ProgramLive Companion) is therefore of the highest quality. VIII. Academic Market Information: A. Book Reviews: Please suggest appropriate journals which regularly review textbooks in your area. Your suggestions will supplement our in-house book review lists. In your opinion, would it be advisable to advertise in any of these journals? 1. Communications of the ACM, definitely. It goes to 80,000 computer scientists and professionals 2. IEE Computer Society main magazine (whatever it is) 3. Any of the computer magazine, like Byte and PC World. 4. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin B. Potential Adopters: (optional) Please list the names and school addresses of professors that represent legitimate leads for adoption of this text. Please include international colleagues that you feel would be interested in your book. I list people that I know at various universities. I know more, but these are the ones I think might produce results. University of Massachusetts (Neil Immerman CS, Queens University, Kingston, Canada (Selim Akl, CS, University of Arizona (Greg Andrews CS, Purdue University (Chris Hoffman University of Nottingham, England (Roland Backhouse Florida State University (Ted Baker University of Maryland (Victor Basili Oxford University (Richard Bird Denmark Technical University (Dines Bjorner Carnegie Mellon ( Technical University, Munich (Manfred Broy Williams (Bruce Kim Waterloo, Canada (Brzozowski University of Illinois (Roy Campbell Cal Tech (Mani Chandy Carleton University, Canada (Frank Dehne George Mason University (Peter Denning University of Wisconsin (Susan Horwitz Dartmouth (Scot Drysdale scot@dartmouth) DePaul University (Susanana Epp Virginia Tech (Ed Fox Univ of Penn. (Carl Gunter Princeton (David Hanson MIT (Guttag Indiana U. (Chris Haynes Rochester (Lane Hemaspaandra Univ. of Manchester, UK (Nick Higham Denison (Joan Krone Passau University, Germany (Chris Lengauer Brandeis (Jacques Cohen UCSD (Keith Marzullo Texas at Austin (Jay Misra, Vicki Almstrum Trinity (Paul Myers UC David (Ron Olsson McGill, Canada (Prakash Panangaden Univ. of Washington (Hal Perkins North Carolina (Jan Prins North Carolina State (N.C. Tai Duke (Owen Astrachan CMU (Mary Shaw Brown (Andy Van Dam Daniel Webster College (Peter Weston Stanford (Jennifer Widom Michigan State (Betty Cheng IX. Special Sales and Publicity Information: A. Are there any non-college markets for your book (i.e. high school classes, employer-run training programs, societies, associations, in-service professionals)? If yes please lest possible markets and/or any contracts, companies, associations we should be particularly aware of. There is an AP Computer Science course. Right now, it uses C++, but it is in the process of switching over to Java –the first test using Java will be given in May 2004, I believe. The high school teachers will all want to learn Java, and ProgramLive and The ProgramLive Companion are the best books for self learning. B. What features of your book or special topics might be of particular interest to an international audience which countries? Why? Nothing special. Its for everyone, national or international C. Please include any relevant quotes that focus on why your book is a noteworthy contribution to the literature in its field. This companion will help you in learning to program, although you will spend most of your time working with the livetext itself. ProgramLive contains the bulk of the teaching material: over 250 lectures with synchronized narration and animation, along with an index, a glossary that is unmatched in any other programming text, exercises, labs, homeworks, and programming projects. E. Please list any additional information not included in your vita that should be included in the press release for your text. X. International and Non-Academic Markets 1. Please describe the professional market for your book? (Please be as > detailed as possible - e.g. analytical chemists in the automobile > industry) Professional programmers, software engineers, management information professionals. > 2. Why would this professional benefit from your book? It’s the only book on programming that contains recorded lectures with synched animation. It’s the quickest way to see how a program is developed, how a method is executed, etc. It’s dynamic, not static. > 3. To what types of industry would your book most appeal? Any place where the company wants their employees to learn Java. Computer industries, software industries, web design industries. > 4. Are there any pertinent "hot" areas of research going on today in > which the material in your book applies? If so, what is it and where? No. > 5. Are there any specific geographical regions where this topic would be > of greater interest? No. > 6. Are there any Associations focused on the subject? (If so, please _ list name, address, phone and/or contact). Take a look at The site Contains a list of educational institutions that are very much into Java. > 7. Do you know of any professional training that is conducted on the > topics your book covers? ( If so, please list course, company, > department, address and contact if you have). > 8. Do you teach any seminars/training courses throughout the year? If > so, where, when and to whom are you teaching? (Please also supply contact _ name at the institution) We can, if necessary. David Gries (probably with Paul helping) is teaching _ CS100 at Cornell this summer as a distance-learning course. Contact Charles Jermy at > 9. Are there any particularly strong international courses/programs of > which you are aware? ( If so, list school, country and contact if you > have). No > 10. Does your book cluster well with any other Wiley books? (i.e. - _ similar subjects, the same audience, etc.) _ Same or similar market as Cay Horstmann’s “Computing Concepts with Java 2”. Thank you for your cooperation in completing this form. 1