

Creates a Mixture Density Network with specified architecture.


net = mdn(nin, nhidden, ncentres, dimtarget)
net = mdn(nin, nhidden, ncentres, dimtarget, mixtype, ...
	prior, beta)


net = mdn(nin, nhidden, ncentres, dimtarget) takes the number of inputs, hidden units for a 2-layer feed-forward network and the number of centres and target dimension for the mixture model whose parameters are set from the outputs of the neural network. The fifth argument mixtype is used to define the type of mixture model. (Currently there is only one type supported: a mixture of Gaussians with a single covariance parameter for each component.) For this model, the mixture coefficients are computed from a group of softmax outputs, the centres are equal to a group of linear outputs, and the variances are obtained by applying the exponential function to a third group of outputs.

The network is initialised by a call to mlp, and the arguments prior, and beta have the same role as for that function. Weight initialisation uses the Matlab function randn and so the seed for the random weight initialization can be set using randn('state', s) where s is the seed value. A specialised data structure (rather than gmm) is used for the mixture model outputs to improve the efficiency of error and gradient calculations in network training. The fields are described in mdnfwd where they are set up.

The fields in net are

  type = 'mdn'
  nin = number of input variables
  nout = dimension of target space (not number of network outputs)
  nwts = total number of weights and biases
  mdnmixes = data structure for mixture model output
  mlp = data structure for MLP network


net = mdn(2, 4, 3, 1, 'spherical');
This creates a Mixture Density Network with 2 inputs and 4 hidden units. The mixture model has 3 components and the target space has dimension 1.

See Also

mdnfwd, mdnerr, mdn2gmm, mdngrad, mdnpak, mdnunpak, mlp
Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-9)

David J Evans (1998)