

Forward propagation through RBF network with linear outputs.


a = rbffwd(net, x)
function [a, z, n2] = rbffwd(net, x)


a = rbffwd(net, x) takes a network data structure net and a matrix x of input vectors and forward propagates the inputs through the network to generate a matrix a of output vectors. Each row of x corresponds to one input vector and each row of a contains the corresponding output vector. The activation function that is used is determined by net.actfn.

[a, z, n2] = rbffwd(net, x) also generates a matrix z of the hidden unit activations where each row corresponds to one pattern. These hidden unit activations represent the design matrix for the RBF. The matrix n2 is the squared distances between each basis function centre and each pattern in which each row corresponds to a data point.


[a, z] = rbffwd(net, x);

temp = pinv([z ones(size(x, 1), 1)]) * t; net.w2 = temp(1: nd(2), :); net.b2 = temp(size(x, nd(2)) + 1, :);

Here x is the input data, t are the target values, and we use the pseudo-inverse to find the output weights and biases.

See Also

rbf, rbferr, rbfgrad, rbfpak, rbftrain, rbfunpak
Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-9)