September 30, 1991 CERFnet - ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Purpose of CERFnet The purpose of the California Education and Research Federation is to advance research and education in general by assisting in the interchange of information among research, educational, and commercial institutions by means of high speed data communications and related telecommunications techniques. This statement represents a guide to the acceptable use of the CERFnet facilities. (1) All use must be consistent with the purpose of CERFnet. (2) The intent of the use policy is to make clear certain cases which are consistent with the purpose of CERFnet, not to exhaustively enumerate all such possible uses. (3) The Chairperson of CERFnet and his designees, may at any time make determinations that particular uses are or are not consistent with the purpose of CERFnet. Such determinations will be reported in writing to the Board of CERFnet for consideration and possible revision at the next meeting of the board. (4) If a use is consistent with the purpose of CERFnet, then activities necessary to that use will be considered consistent with the purpose of CERFnet. (5) If data from any source leaves CERFnet and enters another network that data must follow the acceptable use rules of the entered network (including member networks, regional, or backbone networks). It is the responsibility of the member where this traffic enters CERFnet to meet this requirement. (6) Any traffic which is disruptive from any source is prohibited. Adopted May 30, 1991