DDN Network Information Center WHOIS Service _A_d_d_r_e_s_s: SRI International Network Information Systems Center, Room EJ291 333 Ravenswood Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94015 _E-_m_a_i_l: BUG-WHOIS@NIC.DDN.MIL (for questions and comments about WHOIS) SERVICE@NIC.DDN.MIL (for automated WHOIS search requests via e-mail) REGISTRAR@NIC.DDN.MIL (for requests to be registered in the WHOIS database) _P_h_o_n_e: 1-800-235-3155 or (415) 859-3695 _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n WHOIS/NICNAME is a NIC program that provides an electronic ``white pages'' of network entities. WHOIS lists the name, network mailbox, US postal address, telephone number, and host for all users registered with the NIC. WHOIS also pro- vides information about registered hosts, domains, and net- works, including the names and addresses of designated points of contact, host addresses, and domain servers. There are currently more than 75,000 users and points of contact registered. _N_e_t_w_o_r_k _a_c_c_e_s_s Access to the WHOIS program is available in a number of ways. o+ Via client programs that query the WHOIS server o+ Via Telnet to users who connect to (<>) _________________________ The information in this section is provided in accor- dance with the copyright notice appearing at the front of this guide. 22 May 1990 NNSC Section 4.2, Page 1 o+ Via automatic mail server by sending a message to _W_h_o _C_a_n _U_s_e _W_H_O_I_S WHOIS services are available to all users of the Internet and also to users on networks that gateway to the Internet. Any Internet user with a valid electronic mailbox can be listed in the WHOIS database. 22 May 1990 NNSC Section 4.2, Page 2