1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary went to the kitchen. 3 Where is she? kitchen 2 1 Sandra went to the hallway. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 4 Mary went to the bedroom. 5 Mary moved to the office. 6 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 7 Where is Mary? office 5 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 John went to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the kitchen. 5 John moved to the office. 6 Mary travelled to the office. 7 Daniel moved to the office. 8 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 9 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 10 John travelled to the garden. 11 Where is he? garden 10 1 John travelled to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 Mary moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 7 John journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 9 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 10 John travelled to the office. 11 Where is he? hallway 8 1 Mary went to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 John journeyed to the office. 4 Mary moved to the bedroom. 5 Where is she? bedroom 4 1 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Mary moved to the kitchen. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 John moved to the bathroom. 6 John travelled to the hallway. 7 Mary went to the office. 8 Sandra went to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? hallway 6 1 John journeyed to the hallway. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 4 John journeyed to the office. 5 John moved to the garden. 6 Daniel moved to the garden. 7 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 8 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 9 John moved to the office. 10 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 11 Where is Daniel? kitchen 7 1 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John went back to the garden. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 John went back to the bedroom. 5 Where is Mary? office 3 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 5 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra went to the bathroom. 7 Where is Sandra? bathroom 6 1 Sandra travelled to the garden. 2 John travelled to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 5 Where is Sandra? garden 1 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 3 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Mary went to the garden. 6 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 7 John went to the hallway. 8 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 9 Where is Mary? garden 5 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary moved to the kitchen. 4 Mary went back to the bedroom. 5 John went to the hallway. 6 John went to the kitchen. 7 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 8 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 9 Where is Mary? kitchen 7 1 John went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel moved to the office. 3 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 4 John went to the bathroom. 5 Daniel went to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went to the office. 7 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 8 Daniel travelled to the garden. 9 Where is she? bedroom 3 1 John moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Where is he? hallway 1 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 Sandra moved to the hallway. 4 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 5 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 Mary moved to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 8 John moved to the bedroom. 9 John travelled to the bathroom. 10 John journeyed to the bedroom. 11 Where is she? bathroom 7 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 3 Sandra moved to the office. 4 John journeyed to the hallway. 5 Daniel went to the hallway. 6 Daniel went back to the garden. 7 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Sandra moved to the hallway. 9 Where is Daniel? garden 6 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 Mary went back to the kitchen. 4 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Daniel went back to the garden. 6 John went to the garden. 7 Where is John? garden 6 1 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 Where is she? hallway 1 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 John went to the bathroom. 4 John moved to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the office. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 8 John journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 10 John travelled to the office. 11 Where is he? bedroom 7 1 Daniel went to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Sandra moved to the office. 6 Daniel moved to the garden. 7 Sandra went to the kitchen. 8 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 9 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 10 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 11 Where is she? bathroom 8 1 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the office. 5 Where is she? office 4 1 John journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 Where is he? bedroom 1 1 Daniel went back to the office. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Where is John? bedroom 2 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 3 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John moved to the garden. 5 Where is she? kitchen 1 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 John journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel went to the bedroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 7 Daniel moved to the garden. 8 Sandra moved to the office. 9 Where is he? office 4 1 Mary went to the office. 2 Sandra went to the hallway. 3 Daniel went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel journeyed to the office. 6 Sandra went to the kitchen. 7 John travelled to the office. 8 Sandra moved to the hallway. 9 Where is he? office 5 1 John went back to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 3 Where is John? bedroom 1 1 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John went back to the garden. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 John went back to the bedroom. 5 John journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 8 John went to the office. 9 John travelled to the bedroom. 10 John went back to the bathroom. 11 Where is John? bathroom 10 1 Daniel travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went to the hallway. 7 Where is Daniel? hallway 6 1 John went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 John travelled to the garden. 4 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Where is he? garden 3 1 John journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 Daniel travelled to the office. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 6 Mary travelled to the garden. 7 John went back to the kitchen. 8 Daniel went back to the hallway. 9 Mary travelled to the hallway. 10 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 11 Where is Mary? hallway 9 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Daniel went back to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the hallway. 7 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 8 John went back to the office. 9 Mary went back to the kitchen. 10 Mary moved to the hallway. 11 Where is Sandra? bedroom 7 1 John moved to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 John moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 Where is he? garden 2 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 3 Sandra moved to the office. 4 John journeyed to the hallway. 5 Where is Sandra? office 3 1 Daniel went to the hallway. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel went to the bathroom. 5 Where is John? bathroom 2 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 John travelled to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 5 Sandra moved to the office. 6 Sandra went to the bedroom. 7 John travelled to the hallway. 8 John moved to the garden. 9 John travelled to the hallway. 10 Sandra journeyed to the office. 11 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the office. 3 John went back to the hallway. 4 John moved to the office. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Mary moved to the bedroom. 7 John went back to the kitchen. 8 Sandra went to the bedroom. 9 Where is Sandra? bedroom 8 1 John journeyed to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Where is he? hallway 1 1 Sandra moved to the office. 2 Mary travelled to the garden. 3 Where is she? office 1 1 John moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 4 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 5 Sandra journeyed to the office. 6 Mary moved to the bathroom. 7 Daniel went back to the hallway. 8 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 9 Where is Sandra? office 5 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the garden. 3 John moved to the garden. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 8 Daniel went to the office. 9 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Where is she? garden 2 1 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Where is Daniel? hallway 3 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 5 Sandra moved to the hallway. 6 Daniel travelled to the office. 7 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 8 Sandra went to the bedroom. 9 Where is she? bedroom 8 1 John travelled to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 3 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 4 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 5 Daniel went to the hallway. 6 John went to the office. 7 Sandra went back to the garden. 8 Sandra went to the bedroom. 9 John went to the bedroom. 10 John journeyed to the bathroom. 11 Where is Sandra? bedroom 8 1 Mary went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 4 Daniel moved to the garden. 5 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 7 Sandra went back to the office. 8 Sandra went to the kitchen. 9 Sandra went to the hallway. 10 John moved to the office. 11 Where is Sandra? hallway 9 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the office. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the office. 5 John went to the garden. 6 Mary journeyed to the garden. 7 Where is he? garden 5 1 Mary journeyed to the office. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John went to the office. 5 Mary went to the hallway. 6 John travelled to the kitchen. 7 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 8 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 9 Sandra moved to the garden. 10 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 11 Where is he? kitchen 3 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the office. 3 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 6 Sandra moved to the hallway. 7 John travelled to the kitchen. 8 Daniel moved to the garden. 9 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 10 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 11 Where is Sandra? bathroom 9 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 John journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Mary journeyed to the office. 6 Mary moved to the bathroom. 7 John travelled to the office. 8 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 9 Sandra went to the bathroom. 10 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 11 Where is she? kitchen 10 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 Mary went to the office. 6 Daniel moved to the garden. 7 Where is he? garden 6 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra went to the garden. 4 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 5 John went to the hallway. 6 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 7 Where is she? kitchen 1 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 John went to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John went to the bedroom. 5 Mary went to the bedroom. 6 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 7 John journeyed to the garden. 8 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 9 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 10 Daniel went to the kitchen. 11 Where is John? garden 7 1 Daniel journeyed to the office. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the garden. 6 John travelled to the kitchen. 7 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 8 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 9 Mary moved to the office. 10 Daniel travelled to the office. 11 Where is he? office 10 1 Sandra journeyed to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 6 John went to the garden. 7 Mary journeyed to the office. 8 Daniel went to the garden. 9 Where is John? garden 6 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 John travelled to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 5 Where is he? garden 3 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the office. 3 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 John moved to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 John went back to the office. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Daniel moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 7 Mary went back to the bedroom. 8 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 9 Mary went to the kitchen. 10 Mary went to the bedroom. 11 Where is Sandra? bathroom 6 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Mary went back to the office. 3 Sandra went back to the hallway. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Where is Daniel? bedroom 4 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Sandra went to the hallway. 7 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 8 Daniel moved to the garden. 9 Where is he? garden 8 1 John went back to the kitchen. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Daniel went back to the office. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the office. 7 John moved to the kitchen. 8 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 9 Daniel went to the hallway. 10 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 11 Where is Daniel? hallway 9 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the office. 3 Where is Mary? hallway 1 1 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? bedroom 3 1 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the bedroom. 3 Daniel went to the hallway. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 John travelled to the office. 7 Where is she? hallway 4 1 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Where is Daniel? office 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 John travelled to the garden. 6 Mary moved to the hallway. 7 Mary went back to the bedroom. 8 Daniel went to the office. 9 Where is Mary? bedroom 7 1 John travelled to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 6 Mary went to the hallway. 7 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 8 Sandra went to the bathroom. 9 John went to the hallway. 10 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is she? bathroom 10 1 Daniel went back to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the office. 4 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 5 John moved to the office. 6 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 7 John went to the bathroom. 8 Mary travelled to the garden. 9 Where is Sandra? kitchen 4 1 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 2 Daniel went back to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the garden. 4 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 5 John moved to the office. 6 Sandra travelled to the office. 7 Daniel went back to the office. 8 Mary moved to the office. 9 John travelled to the hallway. 10 John travelled to the bedroom. 11 Where is John? bedroom 10 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the hallway. 3 Daniel went back to the garden. 4 Sandra went to the hallway. 5 John went back to the bathroom. 6 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 7 Mary went to the hallway. 8 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 9 John journeyed to the kitchen. 10 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 11 Where is Sandra? bedroom 6 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 John travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 7 John journeyed to the office. 8 Sandra went to the office. 9 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 10 Daniel travelled to the office. 11 Where is Daniel? office 10 1 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 2 Daniel went back to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the garden. 4 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 5 John moved to the office. 6 Sandra travelled to the office. 7 Where is Daniel? bathroom 4 1 Daniel went to the kitchen. 2 John journeyed to the office. 3 John journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 6 Daniel moved to the office. 7 Where is he? office 6 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 Mary moved to the bedroom. 3 Where is Mary? bedroom 2 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary moved to the bathroom. 3 John moved to the garden. 4 Mary went to the hallway. 5 Mary went to the bathroom. 6 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 7 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Daniel moved to the garden. 9 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 10 Mary went to the hallway. 11 Where is he? garden 8 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 John went to the hallway. 5 Daniel went to the bedroom. 6 Daniel went to the kitchen. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 8 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 9 Where is she? kitchen 2 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 7 Where is she? office 2 1 John moved to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 John went back to the office. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Daniel moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 7 Mary went back to the bedroom. 8 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 9 Where is Mary? bedroom 7 1 Mary went back to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the hallway. 3 John travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary moved to the kitchen. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Mary journeyed to the garden. 7 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 8 John went back to the hallway. 9 Mary moved to the office. 10 Mary went back to the kitchen. 11 Where is Mary? kitchen 10 1 John moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the office. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Daniel went back to the hallway. 8 Daniel went to the garden. 9 Where is Sandra? hallway 6 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Where is she? kitchen 1 1 Daniel went back to the office. 2 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 Mary went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 8 Sandra went back to the office. 9 Where is Mary? kitchen 4 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 John went to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 John travelled to the hallway. 6 John journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 9 Where is he? office 7 1 Mary went to the office. 2 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John moved to the office. 5 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 7 John went to the hallway. 8 Mary travelled to the hallway. 9 John journeyed to the garden. 10 Mary went to the bathroom. 11 Where is he? bathroom 6 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary went back to the bathroom. 5 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 6 Mary went to the bedroom. 7 Mary moved to the garden. 8 Sandra travelled to the office. 9 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 10 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 11 Where is Daniel? bathroom 9 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel moved to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Where is she? hallway 4 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 John went to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 John travelled to the hallway. 6 John journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 9 Sandra moved to the garden. 10 John journeyed to the office. 11 Where is he? office 7 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 3 John went to the hallway. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 5 John journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Mary went back to the office. 7 John journeyed to the garden. 8 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 9 Where is Daniel? hallway 8 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Where is she? hallway 2 1 John moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the office. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Daniel went back to the hallway. 8 Daniel went to the garden. 9 Daniel went to the bedroom. 10 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 11 Where is Sandra? bedroom 10 1 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 6 John moved to the kitchen. 7 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 8 John moved to the bathroom. 9 Where is Sandra? bathroom 7 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Where is Daniel? bedroom 1 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Mary moved to the office. 3 Sandra went to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary went to the kitchen. 6 John journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Where is she? kitchen 5 1 Daniel moved to the office. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 John travelled to the office. 4 Mary travelled to the garden. 5 Where is he? office 3 1 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 John went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel moved to the office. 3 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 4 John went to the bathroom. 5 Daniel went to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went to the office. 7 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 8 Daniel travelled to the garden. 9 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 10 Sandra travelled to the garden. 11 Where is he? garden 8 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel went to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 6 Mary went to the office. 7 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 8 John journeyed to the office. 9 Where is he? bathroom 7 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 John went back to the bedroom. 3 Where is Mary? hallway 1 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the office. 3 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Mary travelled to the hallway. 6 Mary journeyed to the garden. 7 John went to the garden. 8 John journeyed to the bathroom. 9 John moved to the bedroom. 10 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 11 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 2 Mary went back to the hallway. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Where is Sandra? kitchen 4 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 Mary went to the kitchen. 5 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 6 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 8 John journeyed to the office. 9 Where is she? bedroom 7 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra went back to the office. 3 Daniel travelled to the garden. 4 John went back to the bathroom. 5 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 6 John went to the hallway. 7 John travelled to the office. 8 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 9 Mary travelled to the hallway. 10 John went to the kitchen. 11 Where is John? kitchen 10 1 John went to the office. 2 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra went to the kitchen. 4 Mary journeyed to the garden. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the office. 7 Where is she? kitchen 3 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary moved to the hallway. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the hallway. 7 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 8 John went to the bedroom. 9 Where is she? hallway 6 1 Mary went to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Where is she? garden 1 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John went to the garden. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Sandra went to the bathroom. 6 Mary went to the kitchen. 7 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Mary travelled to the hallway. 4 Daniel went to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the garden. 6 John travelled to the office. 7 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 8 John moved to the garden. 9 Daniel moved to the garden. 10 John went to the bathroom. 11 Where is John? bathroom 10 1 John moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Where is Sandra? office 2 1 Mary went back to the bathroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 Mary moved to the hallway. 6 Daniel went to the hallway. 7 Daniel went to the bedroom. 8 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 9 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 10 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 11 Where is Daniel? bedroom 7 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 John travelled to the garden. 6 Mary moved to the hallway. 7 Where is John? garden 5 1 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 John journeyed to the office. 6 Mary moved to the office. 7 Mary went to the bathroom. 8 Sandra moved to the garden. 9 Where is she? garden 8 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 John went to the bedroom. 4 Mary went back to the bathroom. 5 Where is Mary? bathroom 4 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 4 Sandra went to the garden. 5 Daniel went to the garden. 6 John moved to the garden. 7 Mary moved to the bathroom. 8 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 9 Where is she? garden 4 1 John went back to the office. 2 Daniel went to the bathroom. 3 John journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 Sandra moved to the garden. 6 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 7 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 8 Daniel travelled to the garden. 9 John went back to the office. 10 John went back to the bedroom. 11 Where is John? bedroom 10 1 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Where is Sandra? office 3 1 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Where is she? bedroom 4 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went back to the hallway. 5 John went to the office. 6 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 7 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 8 Sandra travelled to the office. 9 John moved to the garden. 10 Daniel went to the bedroom. 11 Where is Sandra? office 8 1 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Where is he? bathroom 2 1 Sandra moved to the garden. 2 John went to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Where is Sandra? kitchen 4 1 John went to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John went to the bedroom. 5 Where is John? bedroom 4 1 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Where is Sandra? office 2 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Daniel travelled to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the office. 5 Where is she? hallway 1 1 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 6 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 7 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 8 Sandra moved to the hallway. 9 Where is she? office 3 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the hallway. 3 Where is John? hallway 2 1 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel went to the garden. 3 Where is Daniel? garden 2 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 Sandra went to the office. 4 Sandra moved to the garden. 5 Daniel moved to the office. 6 Mary went to the hallway. 7 Daniel went to the garden. 8 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 9 Mary travelled to the office. 10 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 11 Where is he? office 2 1 Mary went back to the kitchen. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Where is John? bedroom 2 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 Mary travelled to the garden. 4 John journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Mary went to the office. 7 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 8 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 9 Where is he? kitchen 4 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the office. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Sandra went to the hallway. 6 John went to the bathroom. 7 Mary travelled to the office. 8 Sandra went to the garden. 9 Daniel went to the bathroom. 10 Daniel journeyed to the office. 11 Where is she? office 7 1 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 6 John moved to the kitchen. 7 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 8 John moved to the bathroom. 9 Mary moved to the garden. 10 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 11 Where is John? bathroom 8 1 Daniel went to the hallway. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel went to the bathroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the garden. 6 Sandra went to the hallway. 7 Daniel journeyed to the office. 8 John moved to the garden. 9 Where is Daniel? office 7 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John went to the garden. 3 Where is he? garden 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Where is she? kitchen 1 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 4 Daniel went to the bedroom. 5 Mary moved to the garden. 6 John travelled to the office. 7 Where is she? hallway 3 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 3 Sandra moved to the office. 4 John journeyed to the hallway. 5 Daniel went to the hallway. 6 Daniel went back to the garden. 7 Where is Sandra? office 3 1 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Mary travelled to the hallway. 4 John moved to the garden. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 Mary travelled to the garden. 7 John travelled to the hallway. 8 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 9 Where is Sandra? bathroom 8 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the office. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 John moved to the kitchen. 7 Sandra travelled to the office. 8 Daniel moved to the hallway. 9 Daniel went to the bedroom. 10 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 11 Where is she? bedroom 10 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 Where is he? bathroom 4 1 John travelled to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 5 John went to the garden. 6 Daniel travelled to the office. 7 Daniel went to the bathroom. 8 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 9 Daniel travelled to the office. 10 John journeyed to the kitchen. 11 Where is he? office 9 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 John moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the garden. 5 Mary moved to the office. 6 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 7 Sandra went to the kitchen. 8 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 9 Daniel went to the office. 10 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 11 Where is she? kitchen 7 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 John journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel went to the bedroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 7 Daniel moved to the garden. 8 Sandra moved to the office. 9 Daniel moved to the office. 10 Sandra went to the garden. 11 Where is she? hallway 6 1 Sandra moved to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 Where is Daniel? bedroom 2 1 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 John went to the kitchen. 7 John moved to the hallway. 8 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 10 Sandra went to the bathroom. 11 Where is she? bathroom 10 1 Mary went back to the kitchen. 2 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary went back to the hallway. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Sandra moved to the garden. 6 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 7 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 8 John moved to the office. 9 Where is John? office 8 1 Daniel went to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Where is Daniel? bedroom 2 1 Mary travelled to the office. 2 Mary went back to the hallway. 3 John travelled to the hallway. 4 Daniel went back to the office. 5 John went to the office. 6 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 7 Where is Daniel? hallway 6 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Where is Sandra? bathroom 1 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the garden. 4 Sandra went to the bathroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the office. 6 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 7 John moved to the office. 8 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 9 Where is she? bathroom 4 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John went to the garden. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Sandra went to the bathroom. 6 Mary went to the kitchen. 7 John travelled to the garden. 8 John moved to the bedroom. 9 Where is he? bedroom 8 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 Sandra went back to the office. 3 Where is Daniel? office 1 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John journeyed to the office. 3 John went to the bathroom. 4 John travelled to the garden. 5 John journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Daniel moved to the garden. 7 John went to the hallway. 8 John journeyed to the bedroom. 9 Where is he? garden 6 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary went to the kitchen. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the hallway. 5 Where is she? kitchen 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 5 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 8 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 9 Where is she? hallway 7 1 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 2 Mary went back to the bathroom. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Where is Daniel? bathroom 1 1 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the kitchen. 3 Where is Daniel? bathroom 1 1 Daniel journeyed to the office. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary moved to the bedroom. 5 John went to the hallway. 6 Daniel went to the bedroom. 7 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 8 John moved to the garden. 9 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 10 Sandra went to the hallway. 11 Where is Sandra? hallway 10 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the office. 3 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 Where is Sandra? bathroom 3 1 Mary journeyed to the garden. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Mary went to the hallway. 4 John journeyed to the hallway. 5 John moved to the bathroom. 6 Sandra went to the office. 7 Where is Mary? hallway 3 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Mary went to the garden. 6 John moved to the office. 7 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 8 Mary went to the bathroom. 9 Mary moved to the hallway. 10 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 11 Where is he? office 6 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Where is she? bedroom 2 1 Sandra moved to the office. 2 Mary travelled to the garden. 3 Mary moved to the bathroom. 4 John journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? office 1 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Where is she? office 4 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the kitchen. 3 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 John journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 7 John moved to the hallway. 8 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 9 Where is she? hallway 8 1 John moved to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 John went back to the office. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Daniel moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 7 Where is Daniel? hallway 5 1 John travelled to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 4 Sandra journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel went to the office. 6 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Where is she? office 4 1 John went to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John moved to the garden. 5 John moved to the bathroom. 6 Sandra went to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? kitchen 2 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel went to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 6 Mary went to the office. 7 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 8 John journeyed to the office. 9 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 10 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 11 Where is he? office 8 1 Sandra travelled to the garden. 2 John travelled to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 5 Mary journeyed to the office. 6 Daniel went to the bathroom. 7 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 8 John went to the bathroom. 9 Where is John? bathroom 8 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 Where is Mary? hallway 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 6 John travelled to the office. 7 Sandra journeyed to the office. 8 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 9 Where is Mary? office 4 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary moved to the bathroom. 3 John moved to the garden. 4 Mary went to the hallway. 5 Where is she? kitchen 1 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the garden. 4 Sandra went back to the garden. 5 Mary went back to the bedroom. 6 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 7 Where is Daniel? kitchen 6 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 3 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Mary went to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the bathroom. 3 Mary moved to the garden. 4 Daniel went to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 6 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 7 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 8 John travelled to the garden. 9 Where is he? garden 8 1 John journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 Daniel travelled to the office. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the office. 3 Where is he? bedroom 1 1 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Where is she? office 2 1 Mary went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the office. 3 Mary went back to the bathroom. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Where is Mary? bathroom 3 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the office. 5 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra journeyed to the office. 7 John journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Mary moved to the hallway. 9 Daniel went to the bedroom. 10 John travelled to the office. 11 Where is he? bedroom 9 1 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 5 Where is she? bedroom 4 1 John went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 Mary moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the hallway. 3 Daniel went to the bathroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Where is she? kitchen 1 1 Daniel moved to the garden. 2 John went to the bathroom. 3 Daniel went to the hallway. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Daniel moved to the office. 6 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 8 Mary moved to the hallway. 9 John went to the garden. 10 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 11 Where is she? bedroom 7 1 John went back to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 5 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra went to the hallway. 7 Where is Daniel? kitchen 5 1 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Where is she? bedroom 1 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 3 John moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel went back to the garden. 6 Mary went back to the kitchen. 7 Mary moved to the bathroom. 8 Mary travelled to the office. 9 Daniel went to the bathroom. 10 Sandra went back to the garden. 11 Where is Daniel? bathroom 9 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel went to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 5 Daniel moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 7 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Daniel travelled to the office. 9 Where is she? bathroom 6 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the office. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the office. 5 John went to the garden. 6 Mary journeyed to the garden. 7 John went to the hallway. 8 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Where is she? office 2 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 John went to the bathroom. 4 John moved to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the office. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 8 John journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Where is she? hallway 6 1 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary went back to the bathroom. 5 Mary travelled to the garden. 6 John went back to the garden. 7 Daniel went to the office. 8 Daniel moved to the garden. 9 Where is John? garden 6 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the office. 4 John journeyed to the office. 5 John moved to the hallway. 6 Daniel moved to the office. 7 Where is he? office 6 1 Sandra moved to the office. 2 Mary moved to the garden. 3 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 4 John travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel moved to the garden. 6 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 7 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 8 Mary went to the garden. 9 Mary went to the office. 10 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is he? hallway 4 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 John went back to the kitchen. 3 Sandra journeyed to the office. 4 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 5 Where is Sandra? hallway 4 1 Sandra journeyed to the office. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 7 Sandra went to the kitchen. 8 Mary went to the hallway. 9 Sandra travelled to the office. 10 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is she? bathroom 10 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the office. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 John went to the hallway. 6 Mary went to the bedroom. 7 John went to the office. 8 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 9 Where is Sandra? kitchen 8 1 John journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the hallway. 5 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went to the office. 7 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 8 Sandra went to the office. 9 Where is Mary? hallway 4 1 Sandra went to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? bedroom 3 1 John travelled to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the office. 4 Sandra went to the garden. 5 John travelled to the kitchen. 6 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Where is John? kitchen 5 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Mary went back to the office. 3 Sandra went back to the hallway. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Mary went back to the kitchen. 6 Mary went to the office. 7 John went back to the bedroom. 8 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 9 Daniel went to the garden. 10 John moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is Daniel? garden 9 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Daniel travelled to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 7 Where is she? bedroom 6 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel moved to the garden. 4 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 5 John travelled to the garden. 6 John moved to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? garden 3 1 Daniel travelled to the garden. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 John went to the office. 4 John moved to the hallway. 5 John travelled to the bedroom. 6 John journeyed to the office. 7 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 8 John journeyed to the garden. 9 John journeyed to the bathroom. 10 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 11 Where is he? bathroom 9 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 John journeyed to the office. 4 Daniel went back to the office. 5 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 6 Daniel travelled to the garden. 7 John travelled to the hallway. 8 John went back to the office. 9 Mary went to the bedroom. 10 Mary travelled to the hallway. 11 Where is Mary? hallway 10 1 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 Daniel went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel went to the office. 6 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 7 Where is she? bathroom 6 1 John travelled to the hallway. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Where is John? bathroom 2 1 Daniel journeyed to the office. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 Where is Daniel? bedroom 2 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Where is he? bedroom 1 1 John journeyed to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the office. 3 Where is he? office 2 1 John journeyed to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel went to the kitchen. 5 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 6 John journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Mary went to the office. 8 Daniel went to the bathroom. 9 Where is he? kitchen 6 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the office. 3 John went back to the hallway. 4 John moved to the office. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Mary moved to the bedroom. 7 John went back to the kitchen. 8 Sandra went to the bedroom. 9 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 10 Daniel went to the bedroom. 11 Where is Sandra? hallway 9 1 John went back to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the kitchen. 5 John journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Daniel went to the garden. 7 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 8 John went back to the garden. 9 Where is Daniel? kitchen 7 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the office. 5 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra journeyed to the office. 7 John journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Mary moved to the hallway. 9 Where is she? office 6 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 6 John travelled to the office. 7 Where is John? office 6 1 Daniel went back to the garden. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Where is Mary? bathroom 4 1 John went back to the kitchen. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Daniel went back to the office. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the office. 7 Where is Daniel? office 6 1 Mary went back to the bedroom. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Daniel went to the hallway. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Where is Sandra? hallway 6 1 John went back to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary went back to the hallway. 4 Daniel went to the office. 5 John journeyed to the hallway. 6 Sandra went to the kitchen. 7 Where is Daniel? office 4 1 Daniel went to the bathroom. 2 John went to the garden. 3 John went back to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 John journeyed to the office. 7 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 9 Sandra went to the hallway. 10 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 11 Where is Mary? kitchen 7 1 John went to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 John journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Where is he? garden 2 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 John went to the bathroom. 4 John moved to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the office. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Where is she? hallway 6 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the office. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Sandra went to the hallway. 6 John went to the bathroom. 7 Mary travelled to the office. 8 Sandra went to the garden. 9 Where is she? office 7 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 John went to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the office. 6 Sandra went to the bathroom. 7 Where is John? bedroom 4 1 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 4 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 5 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 6 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 7 Sandra went to the office. 8 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 9 Where is he? garden 2 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 3 John moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel went back to the garden. 6 Mary went back to the kitchen. 7 Mary moved to the bathroom. 8 Mary travelled to the office. 9 Where is Mary? office 8 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 John went to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 6 Daniel went to the garden. 7 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 8 Daniel travelled to the garden. 9 John moved to the hallway. 10 John travelled to the bedroom. 11 Where is he? garden 8 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 John went back to the office. 3 Sandra went back to the garden. 4 John went back to the bedroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 6 Daniel went to the office. 7 Where is John? bedroom 4 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Daniel went back to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the hallway. 7 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 8 John went back to the office. 9 Where is Sandra? bedroom 7 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Sandra went to the hallway. 6 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 7 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Daniel went to the office. 9 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 10 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is she? bathroom 10 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 3 Sandra went to the bathroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the office. 5 Mary moved to the bedroom. 6 John moved to the hallway. 7 Sandra went to the garden. 8 John moved to the bathroom. 9 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 10 Daniel went to the hallway. 11 Where is he? hallway 10 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra went back to the office. 3 Daniel travelled to the garden. 4 John went back to the bathroom. 5 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 6 John went to the hallway. 7 John travelled to the office. 8 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 9 Where is John? office 7 1 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 4 John travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 John journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 8 Sandra went to the office. 9 Mary journeyed to the office. 10 Daniel travelled to the garden. 11 Where is Sandra? office 8 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the office. 6 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 7 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 8 John went to the bedroom. 9 Where is she? hallway 6 1 Sandra went back to the hallway. 2 Mary went back to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Daniel went back to the hallway. 5 Sandra moved to the office. 6 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 8 John went to the hallway. 9 Where is Daniel? hallway 4 1 Daniel went back to the garden. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Sandra went to the hallway. 5 Where is Sandra? hallway 4 1 John travelled to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 John travelled to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 8 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 9 Where is Mary? bedroom 7 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 4 Sandra went to the garden. 5 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 6 John went to the hallway. 7 Where is Sandra? hallway 5 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the hallway. 3 Where is Mary? hallway 2 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 5 Where is she? kitchen 4 1 John moved to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Where is he? garden 1 1 Mary journeyed to the garden. 2 John went back to the garden. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 6 Sandra moved to the garden. 7 Daniel went to the bedroom. 8 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 9 Where is Daniel? hallway 8 1 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Where is he? garden 2 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the office. 5 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra journeyed to the office. 7 Where is she? bedroom 3 1 Mary went back to the kitchen. 2 John went to the bathroom. 3 Where is John? bathroom 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 John journeyed to the office. 6 Mary moved to the office. 7 Mary went to the bathroom. 8 Sandra moved to the garden. 9 John journeyed to the bedroom. 10 John moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is she? bathroom 7 1 John went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went to the garden. 7 Where is he? garden 6 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the office. 4 John journeyed to the office. 5 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 Mary moved to the bedroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 Mary journeyed to the office. 9 Mary went to the garden. 10 Daniel went to the kitchen. 11 Where is she? garden 9 1 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the hallway. 4 Sandra moved to the garden. 5 Where is Mary? hallway 3 1 John travelled to the kitchen. 2 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 Mary went back to the office. 5 Where is John? kitchen 1 1 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the hallway. 4 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 5 Mary went to the bathroom. 6 John moved to the office. 7 Sandra went back to the office. 8 Mary travelled to the hallway. 9 Where is Sandra? office 7 1 Daniel went back to the hallway. 2 Mary went back to the office. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 Mary went back to the kitchen. 5 Where is Daniel? hallway 1 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 Daniel travelled to the garden. 4 Daniel went to the office. 5 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 6 Sandra went back to the office. 7 Mary went back to the garden. 8 Mary moved to the hallway. 9 Where is Sandra? office 6 1 Sandra went to the hallway. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 John went to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the kitchen. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Where is she? kitchen 3 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Where is he? hallway 1 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Mary moved to the hallway. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 Where is he? bathroom 4 1 John went back to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the kitchen. 3 Sandra moved to the office. 4 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 5 Where is John? kitchen 2 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 John journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 5 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 7 Mary moved to the hallway. 8 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? kitchen 5 1 John went to the office. 2 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra went to the kitchen. 4 Mary journeyed to the garden. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the office. 7 Mary went to the bathroom. 8 John travelled to the garden. 9 Where is he? garden 8 1 Daniel went back to the garden. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Sandra went to the kitchen. 7 John moved to the bathroom. 8 Mary went to the hallway. 9 Daniel moved to the office. 10 John travelled to the kitchen. 11 Where is Sandra? kitchen 6 1 John moved to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the office. 3 Sandra went to the bedroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Where is he? garden 1 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 Sandra went back to the garden. 2 John moved to the office. 3 Where is Sandra? garden 1 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 Mary moved to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Daniel moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Sandra moved to the office. 8 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 9 Where is Daniel? bedroom 8 1 Daniel went to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 John moved to the office. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the office. 3 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Where is she? hallway 4 1 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the office. 5 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 6 John went back to the hallway. 7 Mary moved to the bathroom. 8 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 9 Where is John? hallway 6 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Sandra went to the bathroom. 4 John moved to the bathroom. 5 John travelled to the office. 6 Mary went to the bedroom. 7 John travelled to the hallway. 8 John went to the bathroom. 9 Where is she? bathroom 3 1 Mary journeyed to the garden. 2 John went back to the garden. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 6 Sandra moved to the garden. 7 Where is John? bedroom 4 1 Mary went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Where is Mary? bedroom 1 1 Sandra journeyed to the office. 2 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 5 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went to the office. 3 Mary went back to the garden. 4 John went back to the kitchen. 5 Daniel moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the garden. 7 John went back to the hallway. 8 Daniel went back to the office. 9 Where is Daniel? office 8 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Sandra went to the office. 6 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 7 Sandra went to the office. 8 John went to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? kitchen 8 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the office. 5 Where is he? kitchen 2 1 John journeyed to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 7 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Sandra went back to the hallway. 9 Where is Sandra? hallway 8 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 3 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 3 John went back to the hallway. 4 John went to the office. 5 John moved to the kitchen. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Where is John? bathroom 6 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Sandra went to the hallway. 7 Where is he? bedroom 4 1 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Mary travelled to the hallway. 4 Daniel went to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the garden. 6 John travelled to the office. 7 Where is John? office 6 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 John journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Where is he? bathroom 4 1 Mary went back to the office. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Where is Daniel? bedroom 2 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 5 John went to the bathroom. 6 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 7 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 8 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 9 Where is she? bathroom 8 1 Daniel travelled to the garden. 2 John journeyed to the office. 3 Where is he? office 2 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the office. 3 Sandra journeyed to the office. 4 John travelled to the garden. 5 Where is Daniel? office 2 1 Sandra went to the garden. 2 Daniel went to the garden. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the garden. 7 Mary moved to the hallway. 8 Sandra went back to the hallway. 9 Where is Mary? hallway 7 1 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the bedroom. 3 Where is Daniel? bedroom 1 1 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 4 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 5 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 6 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 7 Where is she? bedroom 6 1 John travelled to the hallway. 2 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 3 Daniel moved to the hallway. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 Where is he? hallway 1 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? bathroom 3 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went back to the office. 3 John moved to the bedroom. 4 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 5 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 6 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 7 Where is Sandra? bathroom 5 1 Sandra moved to the garden. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Mary went back to the bedroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the office. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Mary travelled to the garden. 7 Where is Sandra? office 4 1 Daniel went to the kitchen. 2 John travelled to the hallway. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 4 John went to the office. 5 Daniel went to the bathroom. 6 Daniel moved to the hallway. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 8 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 9 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 10 John travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is he? kitchen 9 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary went back to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the garden. 5 John journeyed to the garden. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 John journeyed to the bedroom. 8 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 9 Sandra went to the bedroom. 10 Daniel went to the garden. 11 Where is Daniel? garden 10 1 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 2 John travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra moved to the hallway. 4 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 5 Sandra travelled to the office. 6 John moved to the bedroom. 7 Sandra went back to the garden. 8 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 9 Where is Sandra? bathroom 8 1 John moved to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 Daniel went back to the hallway. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 John travelled to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the office. 5 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 6 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 9 Where is Sandra? hallway 6 1 John went to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John went to the bedroom. 5 Mary went to the bedroom. 6 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 7 John journeyed to the garden. 8 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 9 Where is John? garden 7 1 Mary went to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 John journeyed to the office. 4 Mary moved to the bedroom. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went to the office. 7 Mary travelled to the hallway. 8 Mary went to the garden. 9 Where is he? bathroom 5 1 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 2 Daniel moved to the office. 3 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 4 John moved to the garden. 5 Daniel travelled to the office. 6 Mary journeyed to the garden. 7 Where is Daniel? office 5 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 John went back to the bedroom. 3 Daniel went back to the office. 4 Daniel went to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the office. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 Daniel went to the bedroom. 8 John moved to the bathroom. 9 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 10 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 11 Where is Daniel? bedroom 7 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the office. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 John moved to the kitchen. 7 Where is she? kitchen 5 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Where is Daniel? bedroom 1 1 Mary went to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Sandra went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Sandra moved to the hallway. 6 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Daniel went to the garden. 8 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 9 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 10 Mary travelled to the office. 11 Where is she? office 10 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 Mary went to the kitchen. 5 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 6 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 8 John journeyed to the office. 9 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 10 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 11 Where is she? hallway 10 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 John travelled to the garden. 6 Mary moved to the hallway. 7 Mary went back to the bedroom. 8 Daniel went to the office. 9 Daniel went back to the garden. 10 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 11 Where is Mary? bedroom 7 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Mary travelled to the garden. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? bedroom 2 1 John travelled to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 3 Where is John? kitchen 1 1 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 Mary went back to the bathroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 Where is Mary? garden 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Daniel travelled to the garden. 5 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 7 Mary travelled to the office. 8 John went to the office. 9 Where is he? office 8 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 3 John went back to the bedroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 5 Sandra went back to the office. 6 Sandra moved to the garden. 7 Daniel went to the kitchen. 8 John travelled to the bathroom. 9 Daniel went to the bedroom. 10 Mary went back to the office. 11 Where is Daniel? bedroom 9 1 John travelled to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Where is Mary? bathroom 2 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 3 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Mary went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the office. 3 Where is Mary? office 2 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Daniel travelled to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 7 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 8 John journeyed to the office. 9 Where is she? hallway 1 1 John travelled to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Where is he? bathroom 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 6 John went to the garden. 7 Where is Daniel? bathroom 5 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 3 Where is Mary? kitchen 1 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the office. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the garden. 7 Mary went to the hallway. 8 Sandra moved to the office. 9 John moved to the office. 10 John went to the garden. 11 Where is she? office 8 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Mary moved to the bathroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Where is she? hallway 4 1 Mary went back to the office. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 5 Daniel travelled to the garden. 6 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 7 Where is Daniel? bathroom 6 1 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 4 Daniel went back to the hallway. 5 Sandra travelled to the office. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Mary went to the bedroom. 8 John moved to the bedroom. 9 Sandra went to the bedroom. 10 Sandra went to the garden. 11 Where is Mary? bedroom 7 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 4 Daniel went to the bedroom. 5 Mary moved to the garden. 6 John travelled to the office. 7 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 8 John travelled to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? bedroom 4 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the garden. 3 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 John travelled to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 3 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 4 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 5 Daniel went to the hallway. 6 John went to the office. 7 Where is John? office 6 1 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 4 John travelled to the hallway. 5 Mary went to the bathroom. 6 John journeyed to the garden. 7 Sandra journeyed to the office. 8 Sandra travelled to the garden. 9 John journeyed to the office. 10 Mary went to the kitchen. 11 Where is she? kitchen 10 1 Sandra went back to the hallway. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 John travelled to the bathroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the office. 5 Where is Daniel? office 4 1 John moved to the hallway. 2 John journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Where is John? kitchen 2 1 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the office. 3 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 John went to the bathroom. 6 Mary moved to the office. 7 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 8 John travelled to the bedroom. 9 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 10 John travelled to the garden. 11 Where is he? bathroom 9 1 Daniel went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary went to the office. 5 John journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 7 John went to the garden. 8 Daniel travelled to the office. 9 Where is John? garden 7 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went to the office. 3 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 4 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 5 Mary travelled to the hallway. 6 Sandra went to the bedroom. 7 John went to the garden. 8 Sandra travelled to the office. 9 Where is Sandra? office 8 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 3 Where is Daniel? hallway 2 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 Mary moved to the bedroom. 3 Where is Mary? bedroom 2 1 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 2 John went to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the office. 5 Mary went to the bathroom. 6 Sandra went to the office. 7 Where is she? office 6 1 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went back to the office. 5 Mary went to the garden. 6 Daniel journeyed to the office. 7 Where is Sandra? bedroom 2 1 Mary went to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Where is she? garden 1 1 John moved to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the office. 3 John journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Where is he? office 2 1 Daniel went to the bedroom. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 4 John went back to the bedroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 7 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 8 Sandra went to the kitchen. 9 John travelled to the garden. 10 Sandra travelled to the office. 11 Where is Daniel? kitchen 6 1 John journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 John moved to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Where is he? garden 2 1 John journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 Daniel travelled to the office. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 6 Mary travelled to the garden. 7 John went back to the kitchen. 8 Daniel went back to the hallway. 9 Where is Daniel? hallway 8 1 John went to the office. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 John went back to the kitchen. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Mary went to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 7 Where is Mary? kitchen 5 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 4 John went to the office. 5 John journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 7 Mary went to the bedroom. 8 John moved to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? bedroom 1 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the office. 3 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Sandra went to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went to the kitchen. 7 Where is she? office 4 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the office. 3 Where is John? office 2 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went back to the office. 3 Where is Sandra? office 2 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 Where is Daniel? garden 2 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra went to the bathroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 6 Daniel went to the bathroom. 7 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 John went to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 6 Daniel went to the garden. 7 Where is she? office 3 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 John went to the hallway. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 9 John travelled to the bedroom. 10 Sandra went to the hallway. 11 Where is she? office 4 1 John went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel went to the office. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Mary travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel went to the bedroom. 6 John moved to the garden. 7 Daniel went to the kitchen. 8 Sandra went to the bedroom. 9 Sandra moved to the garden. 10 Mary moved to the office. 11 Where is she? office 10 1 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went to the bedroom. 3 Where is Daniel? kitchen 1 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel went to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 5 Where is she? hallway 4 1 Sandra went back to the office. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Where is Sandra? bedroom 3 1 Mary went to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 3 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Mary went to the bedroom. 6 Mary moved to the office. 7 Mary moved to the garden. 8 Daniel moved to the office. 9 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 10 Mary moved to the hallway. 11 Where is she? garden 9 1 John went back to the bathroom. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 5 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 6 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Mary journeyed to the office. 8 Daniel went to the hallway. 9 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 10 Sandra travelled to the office. 11 Where is Sandra? office 10 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Where is she? hallway 1 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 John moved to the kitchen. 4 Mary went to the hallway. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 John went to the bathroom. 7 Sandra travelled to the office. 8 Daniel moved to the office. 9 Where is she? office 7 1 John went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Daniel went to the office. 5 Where is Sandra? office 3 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel went to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 5 Where is she? office 2 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 3 John went to the office. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Mary journeyed to the garden. 6 Mary went to the bedroom. 7 Where is John? office 3 1 Sandra moved to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary moved to the garden. 4 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Mary moved to the hallway. 6 John went to the bedroom. 7 John moved to the office. 8 Daniel went back to the hallway. 9 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 10 John travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is John? bathroom 10 1 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the hallway. 3 Where is Mary? bedroom 1 1 Daniel travelled to the garden. 2 Mary went to the kitchen. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 John travelled to the garden. 7 Where is Mary? bathroom 5 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John journeyed to the office. 3 John went to the bathroom. 4 John travelled to the garden. 5 John journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Daniel moved to the garden. 7 John went to the hallway. 8 John journeyed to the bedroom. 9 John journeyed to the hallway. 10 Mary travelled to the garden. 11 Where is he? hallway 9 1 Daniel went to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the bedroom. 4 John travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Mary moved to the kitchen. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 9 Where is she? kitchen 6 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 John moved to the kitchen. 4 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went to the bedroom. 7 Where is he? kitchen 3 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 Mary went back to the kitchen. 4 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Daniel went back to the garden. 6 John went to the garden. 7 Mary travelled to the office. 8 Sandra went to the bathroom. 9 Mary moved to the garden. 10 Daniel went back to the office. 11 Where is Mary? garden 9 1 John went back to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the kitchen. 5 Where is John? hallway 1 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the office. 3 Sandra journeyed to the office. 4 John travelled to the garden. 5 John went back to the hallway. 6 John moved to the office. 7 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 8 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 9 Sandra went to the garden. 10 Daniel went to the hallway. 11 Where is John? office 6 1 Sandra went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra went to the office. 3 Daniel went back to the office. 4 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 5 Where is Daniel? office 3 1 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel went to the garden. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 5 Sandra moved to the garden. 6 Mary went back to the bedroom. 7 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 8 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 9 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 10 John moved to the garden. 11 Where is Sandra? bedroom 9 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 John went to the bathroom. 5 Where is Mary? bathroom 3 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 John went back to the kitchen. 3 Sandra journeyed to the office. 4 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Sandra moved to the office. 7 Where is Sandra? office 6 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 John journeyed to the office. 5 Where is he? office 2 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went back to the hallway. 3 Sandra went back to the office. 4 Sandra went back to the hallway. 5 John went back to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went to the kitchen. 7 John moved to the kitchen. 8 Daniel went to the bedroom. 9 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 10 John moved to the bedroom. 11 Where is John? bedroom 10 1 John went to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John moved to the garden. 5 John moved to the bathroom. 6 Sandra went to the bathroom. 7 John journeyed to the office. 8 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? office 7 1 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Mary moved to the kitchen. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Where is he? hallway 2 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Sandra went to the office. 6 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 7 Where is she? office 4 1 Daniel went back to the hallway. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 John travelled to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the office. 5 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 6 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 9 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 10 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is Sandra? hallway 6 1 Daniel journeyed to the office. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 John went to the kitchen. 5 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the office. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 9 John moved to the hallway. 10 John went to the garden. 11 Where is he? garden 10 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Where is she? office 1 1 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John went back to the garden. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 John went back to the bedroom. 5 John journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 8 John went to the office. 9 Where is Sandra? kitchen 7 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 John journeyed to the garden. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Where is he? garden 1 1 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 John travelled to the kitchen. 4 John went back to the office. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 Daniel travelled to the office. 7 Where is Sandra? kitchen 2 1 Mary moved to the garden. 2 Sandra moved to the hallway. 3 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 4 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 5 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 6 Mary moved to the hallway. 7 Sandra travelled to the office. 8 John journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Sandra went to the kitchen. 10 Mary moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is she? kitchen 10 1 Sandra went to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel went to the office. 5 Where is she? kitchen 2 1 John went to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the office. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 6 John journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Where is he? bedroom 4 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Where is John? garden 1 1 Sandra went to the hallway. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 John journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the office. 5 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 3 John went to the hallway. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Where is Daniel? bathroom 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Daniel travelled to the garden. 5 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 7 Where is she? hallway 5 1 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 4 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 5 Where is he? garden 2 1 John went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went to the garden. 7 Daniel went to the bathroom. 8 John travelled to the garden. 9 Sandra went to the bathroom. 10 Mary travelled to the office. 11 Where is he? garden 8 1 Daniel journeyed to the office. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 John went to the kitchen. 5 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the office. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 9 Where is he? bathroom 7 1 Sandra went to the hallway. 2 Mary moved to the garden. 3 Where is she? hallway 1 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 John travelled to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 5 Sandra moved to the office. 6 Sandra went to the bedroom. 7 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 John moved to the kitchen. 4 Mary went to the hallway. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 John went to the bathroom. 7 Sandra travelled to the office. 8 Daniel moved to the office. 9 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 10 John travelled to the bedroom. 11 Where is she? kitchen 9 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 3 John travelled to the kitchen. 4 John went to the bedroom. 5 Where is Daniel? bathroom 2 1 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the bedroom. 3 John went back to the bathroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Mary went to the garden. 7 John travelled to the hallway. 8 John travelled to the bedroom. 9 Daniel went to the bedroom. 10 Daniel went back to the garden. 11 Where is John? bedroom 8 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 3 Where is Sandra? bathroom 2 1 John went back to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 5 Where is John? garden 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 2 Mary moved to the hallway. 3 Where is she? hallway 1 1 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the hallway. 3 John moved to the bathroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 John went to the hallway. 7 Sandra moved to the hallway. 8 John journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Where is Sandra? hallway 7 1 Mary moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the office. 4 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 5 Where is Mary? kitchen 1 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 John went to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the office. 6 Sandra went to the bathroom. 7 Sandra went to the bedroom. 8 John went back to the office. 9 Where is John? office 8 1 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel went to the garden. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 5 Sandra moved to the garden. 6 Mary went back to the bedroom. 7 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 8 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 9 Where is Daniel? kitchen 8 1 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the office. 3 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 John journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Where is Sandra? garden 1 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Where is Daniel? kitchen 6 1 Mary went back to the bedroom. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Daniel went to the hallway. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 John journeyed to the garden. 8 John journeyed to the office. 9 Daniel moved to the garden. 10 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is John? office 8 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Where is he? bedroom 1 1 Sandra journeyed to the office. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 7 Sandra went to the kitchen. 8 Mary went to the hallway. 9 Where is she? kitchen 7 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the hallway. 7 Mary moved to the office. 8 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 9 John went to the bathroom. 10 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 11 Where is he? kitchen 5 1 Mary went to the office. 2 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 John went to the hallway. 5 John moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra travelled to the garden. 7 Where is she? office 1 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary went back to the bathroom. 5 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 6 Mary went to the bedroom. 7 Mary moved to the garden. 8 Sandra travelled to the office. 9 Where is Mary? garden 7 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 7 John moved to the hallway. 8 Daniel went to the hallway. 9 Where is she? bathroom 5 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the garden. 3 John moved to the garden. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 8 Daniel went to the office. 9 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 10 John journeyed to the office. 11 Where is he? office 8 1 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 2 Mary travelled to the hallway. 3 John travelled to the hallway. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Where is she? bedroom 1 1 Daniel went back to the office. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel moved to the garden. 5 Where is John? bedroom 2 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 John went back to the bathroom. 3 Daniel travelled to the office. 4 John went back to the bedroom. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra went to the garden. 7 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 8 Sandra journeyed to the office. 9 Where is Sandra? office 8 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 Daniel travelled to the garden. 6 John journeyed to the hallway. 7 John moved to the office. 8 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 9 Mary travelled to the office. 10 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is he? office 7 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Daniel travelled to the office. 7 Mary went back to the office. 8 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 9 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 10 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 11 Where is Daniel? bedroom 10 1 John journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 6 Daniel went to the bathroom. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 John moved to the hallway. 9 John travelled to the office. 10 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 11 Where is he? bedroom 10 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 3 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Where is Daniel? hallway 2 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 John travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 7 Where is Sandra? bedroom 6 1 John travelled to the bedroom. 2 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 3 Where is John? bedroom 1 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 3 Where is John? hallway 1 1 Sandra went back to the office. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 5 John journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Daniel moved to the office. 7 Where is Mary? bathroom 4 1 Mary went to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Mary went to the bedroom. 7 Where is he? kitchen 4 1 John travelled to the hallway. 2 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Where is he? hallway 1 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 John went to the bedroom. 4 Mary went back to the bathroom. 5 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 6 Sandra went to the kitchen. 7 Where is Sandra? kitchen 6 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 3 John went to the office. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Mary journeyed to the garden. 6 Mary went to the bedroom. 7 Daniel went to the bathroom. 8 John travelled to the kitchen. 9 Where is Mary? bedroom 6 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the office. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the garden. 7 Mary went to the hallway. 8 Sandra moved to the office. 9 Where is she? hallway 7 1 Mary went back to the office. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 5 Daniel travelled to the garden. 6 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 7 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 8 John went to the bedroom. 9 Where is Daniel? bathroom 6 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 Where is she? hallway 2 1 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Where is Sandra? bedroom 1 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 John travelled to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 6 John moved to the office. 7 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 8 Mary moved to the garden. 9 Where is she? garden 8 1 Mary went to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra went back to the office. 4 John travelled to the garden. 5 Where is John? garden 4 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 3 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Daniel went to the garden. 6 Mary went to the garden. 7 Mary moved to the office. 8 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 9 Where is he? bedroom 4 1 Sandra journeyed to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 6 John went to the garden. 7 Mary journeyed to the office. 8 Daniel went to the garden. 9 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 10 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is Sandra? bathroom 10 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 6 Sandra travelled to the garden. 7 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Mary went to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the bathroom. 3 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 John went to the office. 3 Where is he? office 2 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the garden. 4 Sandra went to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? bathroom 4 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Where is she? kitchen 1 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel went to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 5 Daniel moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 7 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Where is Daniel? garden 1 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel moved to the office. 5 Where is Mary? kitchen 3 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Where is she? office 2 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the garden. 4 Sandra went back to the garden. 5 Where is Sandra? garden 4 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 John went back to the bedroom. 3 Mary went back to the bathroom. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Daniel went back to the office. 6 John moved to the hallway. 7 Where is Mary? office 4 1 John went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 Daniel went to the office. 4 Daniel went to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Sandra went to the office. 7 Mary moved to the kitchen. 8 Daniel went to the kitchen. 9 Where is she? kitchen 7 1 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the kitchen. 4 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 5 John journeyed to the bedroom. 6 John went back to the hallway. 7 Sandra went to the kitchen. 8 Mary went to the bathroom. 9 Sandra went back to the office. 10 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 11 Where is Mary? bedroom 10 1 Sandra went to the garden. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 Sandra went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went back to the office. 5 Mary moved to the kitchen. 6 Mary went back to the bathroom. 7 Mary travelled to the garden. 8 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 9 Where is Mary? garden 7 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 3 Where is Sandra? kitchen 1 1 Daniel went to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Where is she? bedroom 3 1 Daniel went back to the hallway. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Where is Mary? bathroom 2 1 John journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 John moved to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Daniel travelled to the office. 7 Daniel moved to the hallway. 8 John journeyed to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? hallway 7 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the office. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 John moved to the office. 5 Sandra went to the bathroom. 6 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 7 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 8 Sandra went to the kitchen. 9 Where is Sandra? kitchen 8 1 Mary moved to the office. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went back to the office. 5 Where is John? garden 2 1 Sandra travelled to the office. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 John journeyed to the bathroom. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Mary went to the hallway. 6 John journeyed to the office. 7 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Mary moved to the kitchen. 9 Where is John? office 6 1 John travelled to the bedroom. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 Where is he? bathroom 4 1 Daniel travelled to the garden. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Where is he? garden 1 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the bedroom. 4 John travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Mary moved to the kitchen. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 9 John travelled to the office. 10 John went to the bedroom. 11 Where is he? bedroom 8 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 John went to the office. 5 Where is she? office 3 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 3 Where is Daniel? bathroom 2 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John journeyed to the office. 3 John went to the bathroom. 4 John travelled to the garden. 5 Where is he? garden 4 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Daniel travelled to the office. 7 Where is Daniel? office 6 1 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the bedroom. 3 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 John travelled to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Where is Mary? bathroom 2 1 Daniel travelled to the garden. 2 John journeyed to the office. 3 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 5 Where is he? office 2 1 John moved to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 John moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 John moved to the bathroom. 6 John travelled to the garden. 7 Where is he? garden 2 1 John travelled to the hallway. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 6 John journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 8 Mary went to the bathroom. 9 Mary went back to the bedroom. 10 Sandra went to the bathroom. 11 Where is Daniel? bedroom 7 1 John travelled to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the office. 4 Sandra went to the garden. 5 Where is Sandra? garden 4 1 Daniel went back to the office. 2 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 Mary went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 8 Sandra went back to the office. 9 John moved to the hallway. 10 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 11 Where is Sandra? office 8 1 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 3 John went back to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 5 John went to the kitchen. 6 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 7 Sandra moved to the hallway. 8 John went back to the garden. 9 Sandra went to the bathroom. 10 Mary went to the office. 11 Where is Sandra? bathroom 9 1 Daniel travelled to the garden. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 John went to the office. 4 John moved to the hallway. 5 Where is he? garden 1 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Where is he? bathroom 2 1 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 Sandra went to the garden. 6 Mary moved to the hallway. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 John journeyed to the bedroom. 9 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 10 Daniel moved to the garden. 11 Where is she? kitchen 9 1 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 2 John journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 4 Sandra went to the garden. 5 John travelled to the office. 6 Daniel went to the bathroom. 7 Mary went back to the kitchen. 8 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 9 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 10 Daniel moved to the garden. 11 Where is Daniel? garden 10 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 John went back to the bedroom. 3 Mary went back to the bathroom. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Daniel went back to the office. 6 John moved to the hallway. 7 John went back to the bathroom. 8 Mary travelled to the garden. 9 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 10 John went to the kitchen. 11 Where is John? kitchen 10 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Sandra went to the hallway. 6 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 7 Where is he? bedroom 4 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 3 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Daniel went to the garden. 6 Mary went to the garden. 7 Mary moved to the office. 8 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 9 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 10 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 11 Where is she? bathroom 10 1 John moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the office. 3 Where is he? hallway 1 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary moved to the bathroom. 3 John moved to the garden. 4 Mary went to the hallway. 5 Mary went to the bathroom. 6 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 7 Where is she? bathroom 5 1 Mary moved to the garden. 2 Sandra went to the hallway. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 John moved to the bathroom. 6 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 7 John went to the office. 8 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Where is she? bathroom 3 1 John went back to the bathroom. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 5 Where is Sandra? garden 4 1 Sandra moved to the garden. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Where is John? bedroom 2 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Where is John? bathroom 2 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 John went back to the kitchen. 3 Sandra journeyed to the office. 4 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Sandra moved to the office. 7 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 8 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 9 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 10 John went back to the bedroom. 11 Where is Sandra? kitchen 7 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Where is Daniel? office 4 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 John moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the garden. 5 Where is he? bedroom 3 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the office. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 Where is she? garden 4 1 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 2 John went back to the garden. 3 Where is John? garden 2 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went back to the hallway. 3 Sandra went back to the office. 4 Sandra went back to the hallway. 5 John went back to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went to the kitchen. 7 John moved to the kitchen. 8 Daniel went to the bedroom. 9 Where is Sandra? hallway 4 1 Daniel went to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 John journeyed to the office. 4 Mary went back to the bedroom. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 John travelled to the bedroom. 7 Where is John? bedroom 6 1 Daniel went to the kitchen. 2 John journeyed to the office. 3 John journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 6 Daniel moved to the office. 7 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Mary went to the office. 9 John journeyed to the hallway. 10 Mary moved to the hallway. 11 Where is she? hallway 10 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 4 John travelled to the kitchen. 5 Where is he? kitchen 4 1 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 Where is Mary? garden 2 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 John moved to the kitchen. 4 Mary went to the hallway. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 John went to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 Sandra went back to the office. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 John went to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 7 Sandra travelled to the office. 8 John went back to the garden. 9 John went to the hallway. 10 Mary went to the bathroom. 11 Where is Sandra? office 7 1 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Mary travelled to the garden. 7 Where is Daniel? bathroom 5 1 Sandra moved to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary moved to the garden. 4 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Where is Daniel? kitchen 2 1 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel journeyed to the office. 6 John went to the garden. 7 Where is Sandra? kitchen 4 1 Daniel travelled to the garden. 2 Mary went to the kitchen. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 John travelled to the garden. 7 Sandra went back to the hallway. 8 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 9 Where is Mary? bedroom 8 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went to the office. 3 Mary went back to the garden. 4 John went back to the kitchen. 5 Daniel moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the garden. 7 Where is Daniel? hallway 5 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel moved to the garden. 4 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 5 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 Daniel went to the kitchen. 2 John travelled to the hallway. 3 Where is he? hallway 2 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Mary moved to the garden. 3 Daniel travelled to the garden. 4 John travelled to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? garden 2 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 John went to the hallway. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 9 Where is he? hallway 3 1 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the hallway. 4 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 5 Where is Sandra? bathroom 4 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary went to the kitchen. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the garden. 6 Daniel went to the bathroom. 7 Mary journeyed to the office. 8 John journeyed to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? bathroom 6 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 John went to the hallway. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 John went back to the garden. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Daniel travelled to the garden. 8 Mary went back to the bathroom. 9 John moved to the kitchen. 10 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 11 Where is John? kitchen 9 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Where is John? garden 1 1 John went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 Daniel went to the office. 4 Daniel went to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Sandra went to the office. 7 Where is he? bedroom 4 1 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 Where is Daniel? garden 2 1 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the hallway. 4 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 5 Mary went to the bathroom. 6 John moved to the office. 7 Sandra went back to the office. 8 Mary travelled to the hallway. 9 Mary went to the garden. 10 Daniel moved to the office. 11 Where is Mary? garden 9 1 Daniel went to the bathroom. 2 John went to the garden. 3 John went back to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 John journeyed to the office. 7 Where is John? office 6 1 Sandra went back to the hallway. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Where is Sandra? hallway 1 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 4 John went to the office. 5 Where is he? office 4 1 Daniel journeyed to the office. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary moved to the bedroom. 5 John went to the hallway. 6 Daniel went to the bedroom. 7 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 8 John moved to the garden. 9 Where is John? garden 8 1 Sandra went back to the hallway. 2 Mary went back to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Daniel went back to the hallway. 5 Sandra moved to the office. 6 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Where is Sandra? bathroom 6 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 John went to the bedroom. 7 Where is he? kitchen 4 1 Daniel went to the hallway. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Where is John? bathroom 2 1 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 John travelled to the kitchen. 4 John went back to the office. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 Daniel travelled to the office. 7 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 8 Sandra went to the office. 9 Where is Daniel? bedroom 7 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went to the garden. 3 Where is Mary? bathroom 1 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the garden. 4 Sandra went to the bathroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the office. 6 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Where is he? bedroom 6 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? bedroom 3 1 Daniel journeyed to the office. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 5 John went back to the office. 6 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 8 John travelled to the bathroom. 9 Where is Daniel? hallway 7 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 John travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 7 John journeyed to the office. 8 Sandra went to the office. 9 Where is Mary? garden 4 1 John travelled to the office. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Mary went to the hallway. 6 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 7 John moved to the kitchen. 8 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 9 Where is Mary? hallway 5 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 5 Where is she? kitchen 2 1 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the office. 5 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 6 John went back to the hallway. 7 Where is Daniel? hallway 5 1 Mary moved to the garden. 2 Sandra moved to the hallway. 3 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 4 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 5 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 6 Mary moved to the hallway. 7 Sandra travelled to the office. 8 John journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Where is he? bathroom 8 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel went to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 7 John went to the bedroom. 8 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? kitchen 5 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 John went back to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Daniel went to the bathroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 6 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 7 Daniel went to the kitchen. 8 Daniel moved to the office. 9 Mary moved to the bathroom. 10 Mary went back to the hallway. 11 Where is Daniel? office 8 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 4 Daniel went to the bedroom. 5 Where is he? bathroom 2 1 Daniel went to the kitchen. 2 John travelled to the hallway. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 4 John went to the office. 5 Where is he? bedroom 3 1 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 5 Where is she? hallway 4 1 Mary journeyed to the office. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Where is she? office 1 1 John moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 4 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 5 Sandra journeyed to the office. 6 Mary moved to the bathroom. 7 Where is Daniel? kitchen 4 1 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 5 John went to the bathroom. 6 Sandra went to the bathroom. 7 Sandra went to the kitchen. 8 Daniel went to the bathroom. 9 Where is he? bathroom 8 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 John moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the office. 3 John journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 5 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 6 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 7 John journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 9 Mary moved to the kitchen. 10 Mary travelled to the office. 11 Where is he? kitchen 7 1 John moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 5 Where is Sandra? bedroom 4 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 3 John went to the hallway. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 5 John journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Mary went back to the office. 7 Where is John? kitchen 5 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 John moved to the bathroom. 4 Daniel went to the garden. 5 Sandra moved to the hallway. 6 Daniel moved to the hallway. 7 Where is he? bathroom 3 1 John travelled to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Where is he? office 1 1 John journeyed to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 John journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 John went to the garden. 7 Sandra moved to the garden. 8 Sandra went to the bathroom. 9 Where is he? garden 3 1 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 4 John travelled to the hallway. 5 Where is Daniel? bedroom 1 1 Mary moved to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 8 John moved to the bedroom. 9 Where is he? bedroom 6 1 Daniel travelled to the garden. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 John went to the office. 4 John moved to the hallway. 5 John travelled to the bedroom. 6 John journeyed to the office. 7 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 8 John journeyed to the garden. 9 Where is he? garden 8 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 John journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 5 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 7 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Where is she? office 2 1 Daniel went to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the hallway. 3 John went to the bedroom. 4 John travelled to the bathroom. 5 Where is Daniel? bathroom 1 1 John travelled to the bedroom. 2 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 3 John journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went back to the hallway. 5 John went to the office. 6 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 7 Where is John? office 5 1 John moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the office. 4 John travelled to the kitchen. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Daniel went to the hallway. 8 Mary travelled to the garden. 9 Where is he? bathroom 6 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 John went back to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Where is John? hallway 1 1 Mary went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the office. 3 Mary went back to the bathroom. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Mary went to the garden. 6 Sandra went to the kitchen. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 8 John journeyed to the hallway. 9 Sandra moved to the office. 10 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 11 Where is Daniel? bedroom 7 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 John went back to the bedroom. 3 Where is John? bedroom 2 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the office. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the office. 5 John went to the garden. 6 Mary journeyed to the garden. 7 John went to the hallway. 8 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 10 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 11 Where is he? hallway 7 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel went to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 7 John went to the bedroom. 8 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 9 John travelled to the hallway. 10 John travelled to the garden. 11 Where is she? office 4 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went back to the garden. 3 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Mary moved to the garden. 6 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 7 Daniel went to the office. 8 Sandra went to the bedroom. 9 Mary moved to the kitchen. 10 John went back to the office. 11 Where is John? office 10 1 John went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 John went to the garden. 4 John went to the bedroom. 5 Sandra went to the office. 6 Daniel went to the bathroom. 7 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 8 John went back to the hallway. 9 Where is John? hallway 8 1 Mary moved to the garden. 2 Sandra went to the hallway. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 John moved to the bathroom. 6 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 7 John went to the office. 8 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Mary travelled to the office. 10 Sandra journeyed to the office. 11 Where is she? office 10 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the office. 3 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 6 Sandra moved to the hallway. 7 John travelled to the kitchen. 8 Daniel moved to the garden. 9 Where is Daniel? garden 8 1 Daniel went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary went to the office. 5 John journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 7 John went to the garden. 8 Daniel travelled to the office. 9 John travelled to the office. 10 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is Daniel? office 8 1 Mary travelled to the office. 2 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 3 Where is she? bedroom 2 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 John went to the hallway. 4 Daniel travelled to the garden. 5 Where is she? office 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Sandra went back to the garden. 4 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 5 Where is Sandra? garden 3 1 John went to the office. 2 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra went to the kitchen. 4 Mary journeyed to the garden. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the office. 7 Mary went to the bathroom. 8 John travelled to the garden. 9 John travelled to the office. 10 Mary moved to the office. 11 Where is he? office 9 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Sandra went to the hallway. 7 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 8 Daniel moved to the garden. 9 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 10 John journeyed to the hallway. 11 Where is he? hallway 10 1 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Where is Mary? garden 2 1 John moved to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the office. 3 John journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 6 Sandra travelled to the office. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 8 Mary went to the kitchen. 9 Mary went to the bedroom. 10 Mary moved to the garden. 11 Where is she? office 6 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 4 Sandra moved to the garden. 5 Sandra travelled to the office. 6 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 7 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary moved to the kitchen. 4 Mary went back to the bedroom. 5 Where is Mary? bedroom 4 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Where is he? garden 1 1 Mary journeyed to the garden. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Mary went to the hallway. 4 John journeyed to the hallway. 5 John moved to the bathroom. 6 Sandra went to the office. 7 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 8 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 9 Where is Sandra? office 6 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 Mary went back to the kitchen. 4 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Where is Sandra? kitchen 4 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary went back to the bathroom. 5 Where is Daniel? bedroom 1 1 John moved to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the office. 3 Sandra went to the bedroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the hallway. 6 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 7 Sandra went to the garden. 8 Mary went to the garden. 9 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 10 John travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is she? garden 8 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 John went to the hallway. 4 Daniel travelled to the garden. 5 John travelled to the kitchen. 6 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 7 Where is she? kitchen 6 1 Mary moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the office. 4 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 5 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 6 Sandra went to the bedroom. 7 John travelled to the office. 8 John moved to the hallway. 9 Where is John? hallway 8 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 John journeyed to the office. 4 Daniel went back to the office. 5 Where is Daniel? office 4 1 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Where is Daniel? garden 2 1 John went back to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 5 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra went to the hallway. 7 Daniel went to the bedroom. 8 Mary moved to the garden. 9 Sandra journeyed to the office. 10 Mary moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is Sandra? office 9 1 Mary went back to the bedroom. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Where is Mary? office 4 1 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Mary travelled to the garden. 7 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 8 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 9 Sandra went back to the garden. 10 Daniel went to the bedroom. 11 Where is Daniel? bedroom 10 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went to the office. 3 Where is Daniel? office 2 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went to the office. 3 Mary went back to the garden. 4 John went back to the kitchen. 5 Daniel moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the garden. 7 John went back to the hallway. 8 Daniel went back to the office. 9 Mary moved to the hallway. 10 Mary moved to the bathroom. 11 Where is John? hallway 7 1 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 3 Where is Daniel? kitchen 1 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 3 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Daniel travelled to the office. 5 Where is she? garden 2 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Sandra went to the bathroom. 4 John went to the bedroom. 5 Where is she? hallway 1 1 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel went to the kitchen. 5 John travelled to the hallway. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 Mary travelled to the hallway. 8 John went to the office. 9 Where is Mary? hallway 7 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the garden. 5 John travelled to the office. 6 Daniel travelled to the office. 7 Where is Daniel? office 6 1 John journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the hallway. 5 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went to the office. 7 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 8 Sandra went to the office. 9 Mary went back to the bathroom. 10 Mary journeyed to the office. 11 Where is Sandra? office 8 1 Daniel went to the kitchen. 2 John went to the bathroom. 3 John travelled to the garden. 4 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 5 Daniel travelled to the office. 6 Daniel went to the kitchen. 7 Mary travelled to the hallway. 8 Daniel moved to the office. 9 Where is he? office 8 1 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the kitchen. 4 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 5 John journeyed to the bedroom. 6 John went back to the hallway. 7 Sandra went to the kitchen. 8 Mary went to the bathroom. 9 Where is Sandra? kitchen 7 1 Sandra moved to the office. 2 John went back to the garden. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the garden. 6 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 7 Where is Daniel? hallway 6 1 Daniel went to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the hallway. 3 John went to the bedroom. 4 John travelled to the bathroom. 5 Mary went to the office. 6 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Where is John? bathroom 4 1 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Where is she? garden 2 1 John went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 John went to the garden. 4 John went to the bedroom. 5 Sandra went to the office. 6 Daniel went to the bathroom. 7 Where is Daniel? bathroom 6 1 Sandra went to the garden. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 Sandra went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went back to the office. 5 Mary moved to the kitchen. 6 Mary went back to the bathroom. 7 Where is Mary? bathroom 6 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 3 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the hallway. 3 John went to the bedroom. 4 John went to the office. 5 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 6 John journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Sandra went to the office. 8 Daniel moved to the hallway. 9 Mary moved to the bathroom. 10 Mary moved to the bedroom. 11 Where is she? bedroom 10 1 Daniel moved to the garden. 2 John journeyed to the garden. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Where is he? garden 1 1 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Where is Sandra? kitchen 2 1 John travelled to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 4 Sandra journeyed to the office. 5 Where is he? hallway 1 1 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the hallway. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 6 Mary journeyed to the garden. 7 John moved to the hallway. 8 Mary went to the bedroom. 9 John moved to the bathroom. 10 Mary went to the bathroom. 11 Where is Mary? bathroom 10 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the office. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 John went to the hallway. 6 Mary went to the bedroom. 7 John went to the office. 8 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 9 John travelled to the kitchen. 10 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 11 Where is Daniel? kitchen 10 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 John went to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Where is he? office 3 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 Where is she? office 1 1 Sandra travelled to the office. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 John journeyed to the bathroom. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Mary went to the hallway. 6 John journeyed to the office. 7 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Mary moved to the kitchen. 9 Mary went back to the bathroom. 10 Mary journeyed to the garden. 11 Where is Mary? garden 10 1 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 4 Daniel went back to the hallway. 5 Where is Sandra? garden 3 1 Daniel journeyed to the office. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the garden. 6 John travelled to the kitchen. 7 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 8 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 9 Where is he? kitchen 6 1 Mary moved to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Where is she? office 2 1 Mary went back to the hallway. 2 Sandra went back to the garden. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the garden. 5 Mary went to the bedroom. 6 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 7 Where is Daniel? garden 4 1 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the office. 3 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 4 John went to the office. 5 Where is she? office 2 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 John moved to the kitchen. 4 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went to the bedroom. 7 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Mary journeyed to the office. 9 Daniel went to the bathroom. 10 Mary went to the garden. 11 Where is he? bathroom 9 1 John travelled to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel went back to the hallway. 6 Sandra journeyed to the office. 7 John moved to the garden. 8 Mary travelled to the office. 9 Where is Sandra? office 6 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 3 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Daniel went to the garden. 6 Mary went to the garden. 7 Where is he? garden 5 1 Mary went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary moved to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 5 John journeyed to the hallway. 6 Mary journeyed to the office. 7 Where is Mary? office 6 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel moved to the office. 5 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 7 Sandra moved to the office. 8 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 9 John went back to the bathroom. 10 John moved to the office. 11 Where is Mary? bedroom 6 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 John journeyed to the hallway. 4 John went back to the bathroom. 5 Daniel went to the garden. 6 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 7 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 8 John journeyed to the garden. 9 Where is Daniel? bedroom 6 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 Mary travelled to the garden. 4 John journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Mary went to the office. 7 Where is he? kitchen 5 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 John went to the hallway. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 John went back to the garden. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Where is John? bathroom 6 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the hallway. 3 Where is she? hallway 2 1 Daniel went to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 John went to the office. 4 John journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Sandra went to the hallway. 6 Sandra travelled to the garden. 7 Daniel journeyed to the office. 8 Daniel moved to the garden. 9 Where is Daniel? garden 8 1 John travelled to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 John went to the hallway. 6 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 8 John went to the garden. 9 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 10 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is Sandra? kitchen 10 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 John went back to the bathroom. 3 Daniel travelled to the office. 4 John went back to the bedroom. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra went to the garden. 7 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 8 Sandra journeyed to the office. 9 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 10 John moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is Sandra? kitchen 9 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the hallway. 3 John went to the bedroom. 4 John went to the office. 5 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 6 John journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Sandra went to the office. 8 Daniel moved to the hallway. 9 Where is he? bathroom 6 1 Sandra moved to the garden. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 John moved to the bathroom. 4 John went to the garden. 5 Where is John? garden 4 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 John journeyed to the office. 4 Daniel went back to the office. 5 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 6 Daniel travelled to the garden. 7 Where is Daniel? garden 6 1 John travelled to the kitchen. 2 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 Mary went back to the office. 5 Daniel journeyed to the office. 6 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 7 Daniel went back to the hallway. 8 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 9 Where is Daniel? hallway 7 1 John travelled to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 5 John went to the garden. 6 Daniel travelled to the office. 7 Daniel went to the bathroom. 8 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 9 Where is he? garden 5 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the hallway. 3 John went to the bedroom. 4 John went to the office. 5 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 6 John journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? bathroom 6 1 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the hallway. 4 Sandra moved to the garden. 5 Daniel went back to the hallway. 6 John moved to the office. 7 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Mary went to the kitchen. 9 Where is Mary? kitchen 8 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 John moved to the hallway. 2 John journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Sandra travelled to the garden. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Daniel journeyed to the office. 6 John went to the kitchen. 7 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 8 Mary went to the hallway. 9 Where is Daniel? office 5 1 John travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Where is Mary? kitchen 2 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the bathroom. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 John went to the hallway. 5 Sandra travelled to the office. 6 Mary went to the office. 7 Mary moved to the bedroom. 8 John travelled to the kitchen. 9 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 10 John moved to the office. 11 Where is he? office 10 1 Mary went to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Sandra went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Sandra moved to the hallway. 6 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Where is she? hallway 5 1 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Where is he? garden 4 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 Mary moved to the bedroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 Mary journeyed to the office. 9 Where is she? office 3 1 Mary moved to the garden. 2 Sandra went to the hallway. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? bathroom 3 1 John journeyed to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the kitchen. 3 Where is he? hallway 1 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra went to the bathroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 6 Daniel went to the bathroom. 7 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 8 Daniel moved to the garden. 9 John travelled to the garden. 10 John moved to the office. 11 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John moved to the office. 3 Daniel moved to the hallway. 4 Mary moved to the kitchen. 5 Where is he? hallway 3 1 Mary went back to the kitchen. 2 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary went back to the hallway. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Sandra moved to the garden. 6 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 7 Where is Sandra? bathroom 6 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went back to the hallway. 3 Sandra went back to the office. 4 Sandra went back to the hallway. 5 Where is Daniel? hallway 2 1 Daniel went to the hallway. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel went to the bathroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the garden. 6 Sandra went to the hallway. 7 Where is Daniel? bathroom 4 1 Sandra went to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 John travelled to the bedroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 7 Where is she? bedroom 3 1 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? bathroom 4 1 Mary went back to the kitchen. 2 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary went back to the hallway. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Sandra moved to the garden. 6 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 7 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 8 John moved to the office. 9 Sandra moved to the hallway. 10 John moved to the bedroom. 11 Where is John? bedroom 10 1 John moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 John went back to the office. 7 Where is Daniel? garden 3 1 John went to the office. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 John went back to the kitchen. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Mary went to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 7 Sandra moved to the hallway. 8 John went back to the hallway. 9 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 10 Daniel moved to the office. 11 Where is Daniel? office 10 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 John went to the bathroom. 5 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 6 John went back to the garden. 7 Where is Sandra? bedroom 5 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Daniel travelled to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the office. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 7 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 8 John journeyed to the office. 9 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 10 Mary journeyed to the garden. 11 Where is she? garden 10 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went back to the garden. 3 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Mary moved to the garden. 6 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 7 Where is Daniel? bedroom 4 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Mary went back to the office. 3 Sandra went back to the hallway. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Mary went back to the kitchen. 6 Mary went to the office. 7 John went back to the bedroom. 8 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 9 Where is Mary? office 6 1 John journeyed to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Sandra went to the kitchen. 7 John travelled to the kitchen. 8 Sandra travelled to the garden. 9 John went to the hallway. 10 Daniel journeyed to the office. 11 Where is she? kitchen 5 1 John went to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the office. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 6 John journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 8 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Where is he? bedroom 4 1 Sandra went to the bathroom. 2 Sandra went to the office. 3 Where is Sandra? office 2 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Where is she? bedroom 3 1 Daniel moved to the office. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 John travelled to the office. 4 Mary travelled to the garden. 5 Daniel travelled to the garden. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 8 John went to the bedroom. 9 John travelled to the kitchen. 10 John went to the bedroom. 11 Where is he? garden 5 1 Daniel moved to the garden. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Where is he? bathroom 2 1 John moved to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 6 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 7 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 8 Mary moved to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? bathroom 2 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Where is she? office 2 1 Mary went to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 3 John moved to the kitchen. 4 John travelled to the bathroom. 5 Where is John? bathroom 4 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary moved to the bathroom. 3 John moved to the garden. 4 Mary went to the hallway. 5 Mary went to the bathroom. 6 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 7 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Daniel moved to the garden. 9 Where is she? bathroom 6 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra moved to the hallway. 4 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 5 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Sandra went to the office. 7 John travelled to the kitchen. 8 Mary journeyed to the garden. 9 Where is he? kitchen 7 1 John journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the hallway. 5 Where is Mary? hallway 4 1 John moved to the garden. 2 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 5 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 6 Mary went to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? garden 1 1 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Mary travelled to the hallway. 4 John moved to the garden. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 Mary travelled to the garden. 7 Where is John? garden 4 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary went back to the bathroom. 5 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 6 Mary went to the bedroom. 7 Where is Mary? bedroom 6 1 Daniel went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the office. 6 John journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Where is Daniel? office 5 1 John moved to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 John moved to the office. 4 John journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Sandra went to the bedroom. 6 John journeyed to the garden. 7 Where is he? office 2 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra went back to the office. 3 Daniel travelled to the garden. 4 John went back to the bathroom. 5 Where is John? bathroom 4 1 John travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Mary went back to the bathroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Mary went to the garden. 6 John travelled to the bedroom. 7 Where is John? bedroom 6 1 John went to the office. 2 Mary travelled to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary went back to the bedroom. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Mary went to the bathroom. 8 John travelled to the kitchen. 9 Where is Mary? bathroom 7 1 John moved to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 John moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 John moved to the bathroom. 6 John travelled to the garden. 7 John journeyed to the bedroom. 8 Mary went to the garden. 9 Where is she? bathroom 4 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the office. 3 Mary went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 5 Sandra moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 7 Mary journeyed to the garden. 8 Mary travelled to the office. 9 Sandra travelled to the garden. 10 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is she? office 8 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra went to the garden. 4 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 5 John went to the hallway. 6 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 7 Sandra travelled to the garden. 8 Mary moved to the office. 9 Where is she? office 8 1 John moved to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 John moved to the office. 4 John journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Sandra went to the bedroom. 6 John journeyed to the garden. 7 Mary went to the hallway. 8 Mary travelled to the office. 9 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 10 John went to the kitchen. 11 Where is she? office 8 1 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 John went to the kitchen. 7 John moved to the hallway. 8 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Where is he? hallway 7 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Where is Sandra? kitchen 1 1 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 John journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Sandra went to the office. 5 John moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra went back to the garden. 7 John went back to the kitchen. 8 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 9 John went to the bathroom. 10 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 11 Where is Daniel? bedroom 8 1 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Mary travelled to the garden. 7 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 8 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 9 Where is Mary? garden 6 1 John travelled to the hallway. 2 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Sandra went to the bathroom. 4 John moved to the kitchen. 5 Sandra travelled to the garden. 6 John moved to the office. 7 Where is he? kitchen 2 1 Sandra moved to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 John travelled to the bedroom. 8 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 9 Where is John? bedroom 7 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the office. 3 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Sandra went to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went to the kitchen. 7 Daniel travelled to the garden. 8 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 9 Mary moved to the garden. 10 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 11 Where is she? kitchen 5 1 Mary travelled to the office. 2 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 3 John travelled to the bathroom. 4 Daniel went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel went to the bathroom. 6 Mary moved to the garden. 7 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 8 John went to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? bathroom 5 1 Mary went to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 John journeyed to the office. 4 Mary moved to the bedroom. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went to the office. 7 Where is she? bedroom 4 1 Mary moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 3 Where is Mary? kitchen 1 1 John went back to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the kitchen. 5 John journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Daniel went to the garden. 7 Where is Daniel? garden 6 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the bedroom. 6 Sandra moved to the office. 7 Where is she? office 6 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 Mary moved to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Where is Mary? bedroom 2 1 John went back to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 Mary went back to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 Where is Sandra? hallway 3 1 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the bedroom. 3 John went back to the bathroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 5 Where is John? bathroom 3 1 Mary went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 4 Daniel moved to the garden. 5 Where is Mary? kitchen 3 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 John travelled to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 6 John moved to the office. 7 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 Daniel went to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 John journeyed to the office. 4 Mary went back to the bedroom. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 John travelled to the bedroom. 7 Mary went to the hallway. 8 Mary went back to the kitchen. 9 Daniel moved to the hallway. 10 Mary moved to the office. 11 Where is Mary? office 10 1 Daniel went to the bathroom. 2 John went to the garden. 3 Where is Daniel? bathroom 1 1 John travelled to the office. 2 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Where is Mary? kitchen 2 1 John went to the garden. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 John travelled to the office. 5 John went back to the kitchen. 6 Mary travelled to the hallway. 7 Where is John? kitchen 5 1 John moved to the garden. 2 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 5 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 6 Mary went to the bathroom. 7 John moved to the kitchen. 8 Daniel went to the garden. 9 Sandra went to the garden. 10 Mary went to the garden. 11 Where is he? garden 8 1 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John went back to the garden. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 John went back to the bedroom. 5 John journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Where is Mary? office 3 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary went back to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the garden. 5 John journeyed to the garden. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 Where is Sandra? bathroom 2 1 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? kitchen 2 1 Mary went to the office. 2 Sandra went to the hallway. 3 Daniel went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel journeyed to the office. 6 Sandra went to the kitchen. 7 John travelled to the office. 8 Sandra moved to the hallway. 9 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 10 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is she? hallway 8 1 John journeyed to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 7 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Sandra went back to the hallway. 9 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 10 Mary went back to the office. 11 Where is Sandra? hallway 8 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the office. 6 Mary journeyed to the garden. 7 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 8 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 9 John journeyed to the office. 10 Mary moved to the bathroom. 11 Where is she? office 5 1 Mary travelled to the office. 2 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 3 John travelled to the bathroom. 4 Daniel went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel went to the bathroom. 6 Mary moved to the garden. 7 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 8 John went to the kitchen. 9 Daniel travelled to the office. 10 Mary went to the bedroom. 11 Where is she? bedroom 10 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the bedroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the office. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Mary went to the kitchen. 6 John travelled to the garden. 7 John moved to the bathroom. 8 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 9 Where is Sandra? kitchen 8 1 Mary went to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 John journeyed to the office. 4 Mary moved to the bedroom. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went to the office. 7 Mary travelled to the hallway. 8 Mary went to the garden. 9 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 10 John went to the kitchen. 11 Where is he? kitchen 10 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 John went to the hallway. 5 Daniel went to the bedroom. 6 Daniel went to the kitchen. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 8 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 9 Sandra went to the garden. 10 Sandra went to the office. 11 Where is she? office 10 1 Sandra moved to the office. 2 Mary moved to the garden. 3 Daniel moved to the garden. 4 Sandra went to the hallway. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 John journeyed to the hallway. 7 Where is he? garden 3 1 John went to the office. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Where is John? office 1 1 Sandra moved to the office. 2 Mary moved to the garden. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 Mary travelled to the garden. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 John went to the garden. 7 Where is she? garden 4 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 John moved to the office. 5 Mary went to the hallway. 6 John went back to the hallway. 7 John moved to the bedroom. 8 Mary moved to the garden. 9 John journeyed to the bathroom. 10 Mary went back to the hallway. 11 Where is Mary? hallway 10 1 Mary moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the garden. 5 Where is Mary? garden 4 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 John went to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Where is he? garden 4 1 Sandra went to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 John journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 5 John went back to the garden. 6 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 7 Where is Mary? bedroom 4 1 Sandra journeyed to the office. 2 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 5 John went to the office. 6 John journeyed to the hallway. 7 John travelled to the bedroom. 8 Sandra went to the bedroom. 9 Where is she? bedroom 8 1 Mary went to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 3 Where is she? bedroom 2 1 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the hallway. 4 Sandra moved to the garden. 5 Daniel went back to the hallway. 6 John moved to the office. 7 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Mary went to the kitchen. 9 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 10 Mary went to the bedroom. 11 Where is Daniel? bedroom 9 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 John moved to the bathroom. 4 Daniel went to the garden. 5 Sandra moved to the hallway. 6 Daniel moved to the hallway. 7 John travelled to the garden. 8 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 9 Where is he? bedroom 8 1 John journeyed to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 5 Where is Daniel? hallway 4 1 John moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the office. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Where is Sandra? hallway 6 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel moved to the garden. 4 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 5 John travelled to the garden. 6 John moved to the bathroom. 7 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 8 Mary went to the hallway. 9 Mary went to the garden. 10 Sandra moved to the office. 11 Where is he? bathroom 7 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 John journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Mary journeyed to the office. 6 Mary moved to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? bathroom 3 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 John went to the hallway. 4 Daniel travelled to the garden. 5 John travelled to the kitchen. 6 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 7 John moved to the bathroom. 8 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 9 John travelled to the garden. 10 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 11 Where is he? bathroom 8 1 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Where is Sandra? bedroom 1 1 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 2 John went to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the office. 5 Where is he? kitchen 1 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary went back to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Where is Mary? bedroom 3 1 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the bedroom. 3 John went back to the bathroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Mary went to the garden. 7 Where is John? bathroom 3 1 John went to the garden. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 John travelled to the office. 5 John went back to the kitchen. 6 Mary travelled to the hallway. 7 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 8 John travelled to the garden. 9 Where is Mary? hallway 6 1 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the office. 5 Daniel went to the office. 6 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Sandra went to the kitchen. 9 John moved to the office. 10 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 11 Where is he? bathroom 7 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 John went to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the kitchen. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Mary moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 7 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Sandra went to the garden. 9 Sandra went to the kitchen. 10 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is she? kitchen 9 1 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 2 Mary travelled to the hallway. 3 Where is she? hallway 2 1 Daniel went to the bedroom. 2 John went to the hallway. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? bathroom 6 1 Sandra journeyed to the office. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 7 Where is she? garden 2 1 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the office. 5 Daniel went to the office. 6 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Sandra went to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? bathroom 7 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 Daniel went to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Sandra moved to the office. 6 Daniel moved to the garden. 7 Sandra went to the kitchen. 8 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 9 Where is she? bathroom 8 1 John travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Mary went back to the bathroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Mary went to the garden. 6 John travelled to the bedroom. 7 John travelled to the office. 8 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 9 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 10 John went to the kitchen. 11 Where is John? kitchen 10 1 Sandra went to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 John travelled to the bedroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 7 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 8 John went to the garden. 9 Where is she? bedroom 3 1 Daniel went back to the office. 2 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 Mary went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 Where is Daniel? hallway 6 1 Mary moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the hallway. 3 Daniel went to the bathroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Sandra went to the office. 6 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 8 John journeyed to the hallway. 9 John moved to the bedroom. 10 Mary moved to the office. 11 Where is she? office 10 1 Sandra went back to the garden. 2 John moved to the office. 3 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary went back to the kitchen. 5 Where is John? office 2 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 John moved to the bedroom. 6 John travelled to the garden. 7 Where is he? garden 6 1 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Mary travelled to the hallway. 4 John moved to the garden. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 Mary travelled to the garden. 7 John travelled to the hallway. 8 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 9 Mary moved to the hallway. 10 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 11 Where is Sandra? bathroom 8 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the hallway. 3 Daniel went back to the garden. 4 Sandra went to the hallway. 5 John went back to the bathroom. 6 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 7 Mary went to the hallway. 8 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 9 Where is Sandra? bedroom 6 1 Daniel went to the bedroom. 2 John went to the hallway. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went to the bathroom. 7 Mary moved to the bathroom. 8 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 9 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 10 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 11 Where is he? hallway 2 1 John went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Where is he? bedroom 3 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 Mary went back to the kitchen. 4 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Daniel went back to the garden. 6 John went to the garden. 7 Mary travelled to the office. 8 Sandra went to the bathroom. 9 Where is Daniel? garden 5 1 Mary went back to the bedroom. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Daniel went to the hallway. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 John journeyed to the garden. 8 John journeyed to the office. 9 Where is John? office 8 1 John went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel went to the office. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Mary travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel went to the bedroom. 6 John moved to the garden. 7 Daniel went to the kitchen. 8 Sandra went to the bedroom. 9 Where is he? garden 6 1 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Mary moved to the kitchen. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 John moved to the bathroom. 6 John travelled to the hallway. 7 Where is she? bedroom 4 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the bedroom. 3 Where is John? bedroom 2 1 Sandra moved to the office. 2 Mary moved to the garden. 3 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 4 John travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel moved to the garden. 6 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 7 Where is he? hallway 4 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 Mary went back to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the garden. 5 John journeyed to the garden. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 John journeyed to the bedroom. 8 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 9 Where is Daniel? hallway 6 1 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the kitchen. 4 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 5 John journeyed to the bedroom. 6 John went back to the hallway. 7 Where is Mary? garden 2 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 Daniel moved to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Where is he? office 2 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 John travelled to the garden. 4 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 5 Where is he? bedroom 1 1 Sandra moved to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel went to the bedroom. 4 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 6 Mary went to the office. 7 Where is she? hallway 1 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the office. 3 Where is she? office 2 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra went back to the office. 3 Where is Daniel? bedroom 1 1 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 2 Mary moved to the hallway. 3 Mary moved to the kitchen. 4 Daniel went to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the garden. 6 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 7 Where is she? kitchen 6 1 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary went back to the bathroom. 5 Mary travelled to the garden. 6 John went back to the garden. 7 Where is Mary? garden 5 1 John went back to the bathroom. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 5 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 6 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Where is Sandra? bathroom 6 1 Mary went back to the kitchen. 2 John went to the bathroom. 3 Daniel travelled to the office. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Daniel went to the bedroom. 6 Mary moved to the garden. 7 Mary went to the bathroom. 8 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 9 Where is Sandra? kitchen 8 1 Daniel went to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the hallway. 3 John went to the bedroom. 4 John travelled to the bathroom. 5 Mary went to the office. 6 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Mary moved to the bedroom. 8 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 9 Where is Mary? bedroom 7 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 5 Sandra went back to the garden. 6 John went back to the office. 7 Daniel went to the hallway. 8 Daniel went to the bathroom. 9 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 10 Daniel travelled to the garden. 11 Where is John? office 6 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 Mary moved to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Daniel moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Sandra moved to the office. 8 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 9 Mary went back to the office. 10 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 11 Where is Sandra? office 7 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 Where is she? office 3 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 John went to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the kitchen. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Mary moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 7 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Sandra went to the garden. 9 Where is he? office 1 1 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the office. 4 Mary moved to the bathroom. 5 Daniel went to the office. 6 Sandra moved to the office. 7 Sandra went to the hallway. 8 Daniel moved to the garden. 9 Sandra went to the bathroom. 10 John travelled to the office. 11 Where is she? bathroom 9 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Where is Daniel? bathroom 2 1 John went back to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the kitchen. 3 Where is John? kitchen 2 1 Sandra travelled to the office. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel went to the garden. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 5 Sandra moved to the garden. 6 Mary went back to the bedroom. 7 Where is Sandra? garden 5 1 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went back to the office. 5 Where is Daniel? hallway 3 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Daniel travelled to the office. 5 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 6 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Sandra went to the office. 8 John moved to the office. 9 Where is he? office 8 1 Sandra went to the bathroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 4 Daniel went back to the hallway. 5 Where is Mary? bathroom 2 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Where is Sandra? office 2 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the hallway. 3 Daniel went back to the garden. 4 Sandra went to the hallway. 5 Where is John? hallway 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Where is Mary? office 4 1 Sandra went back to the hallway. 2 Mary went back to the kitchen. 3 Where is Sandra? hallway 1 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 John went to the bedroom. 7 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 8 Mary went to the hallway. 9 Where is he? bedroom 6 1 John moved to the bathroom. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 John went back to the office. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Where is John? bedroom 4 1 Daniel moved to the garden. 2 John went to the bathroom. 3 Daniel went to the hallway. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Daniel moved to the office. 6 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? bathroom 6 1 Mary moved to the office. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went back to the office. 5 John went to the bedroom. 6 John journeyed to the garden. 7 Daniel went back to the hallway. 8 John journeyed to the bedroom. 9 Where is Sandra? office 4 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel moved to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Sandra went to the kitchen. 6 John moved to the hallway. 7 Where is he? garden 3 1 John journeyed to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 7 Where is Sandra? office 3 1 Sandra moved to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 John travelled to the bedroom. 8 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 9 Sandra moved to the office. 10 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 11 Where is Daniel? bathroom 10 1 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 2 John moved to the office. 3 John went to the bathroom. 4 John travelled to the office. 5 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 6 Sandra moved to the garden. 7 Where is Sandra? garden 6 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the bedroom. 3 Mary went back to the bedroom. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 6 John moved to the garden. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 9 John moved to the hallway. 10 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 11 Where is Daniel? office 7 1 Sandra moved to the garden. 2 John went to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Daniel journeyed to the office. 8 Daniel went to the garden. 9 John moved to the bedroom. 10 Mary went back to the office. 11 Where is Daniel? garden 8 1 John journeyed to the office. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went to the garden. 5 Where is he? garden 2 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 3 John went back to the hallway. 4 John went to the office. 5 John moved to the kitchen. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Sandra travelled to the garden. 8 Sandra went to the bathroom. 9 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 10 John went to the office. 11 Where is John? office 10 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 4 Daniel went to the bedroom. 5 Mary moved to the garden. 6 John travelled to the office. 7 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 8 John travelled to the kitchen. 9 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 10 John journeyed to the hallway. 11 Where is he? hallway 10 1 John moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the office. 4 John travelled to the kitchen. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Where is she? office 5 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 3 Where is Daniel? kitchen 2 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 5 Sandra went back to the garden. 6 John went back to the office. 7 Where is Sandra? garden 5 1 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 2 Mary went back to the bathroom. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Mary moved to the kitchen. 6 Mary went to the bathroom. 7 John travelled to the hallway. 8 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 9 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 10 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 11 Where is Daniel? garden 10 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Where is John? bathroom 2 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Where is she? office 2 1 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 5 John moved to the bedroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 9 Where is she? bedroom 8 1 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the bedroom. 3 Daniel went to the hallway. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 John travelled to the office. 7 Daniel travelled to the office. 8 Mary went to the bathroom. 9 Where is she? bathroom 8 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 John journeyed to the garden. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? bedroom 4 1 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went to the kitchen. 5 Where is Sandra? kitchen 4 1 Sandra went to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Where is she? bathroom 1 1 John went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Daniel went to the office. 5 John moved to the office. 6 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 7 Where is Sandra? office 3 1 John went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 John travelled to the garden. 4 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 6 John went to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? bathroom 6 1 John moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 John travelled to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 3 Where is John? kitchen 1 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 3 Where is he? hallway 1 1 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 John travelled to the kitchen. 4 John went back to the office. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 Daniel travelled to the office. 7 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 8 Sandra went to the office. 9 Sandra went back to the garden. 10 Mary moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is Daniel? bedroom 7 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 6 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 7 John moved to the hallway. 8 Daniel went to the hallway. 9 Mary travelled to the hallway. 10 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 11 Where is he? hallway 7 1 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Daniel travelled to the garden. 5 Where is he? garden 3 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 John went to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 6 John went to the bedroom. 7 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 3 Mary went to the bathroom. 4 John went to the bathroom. 5 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 6 John went back to the garden. 7 Sandra travelled to the office. 8 Daniel went to the garden. 9 Mary moved to the garden. 10 John moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is Mary? garden 9 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went back to the hallway. 5 Where is Sandra? hallway 4 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Mary went to the office. 3 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Mary travelled to the hallway. 6 Mary journeyed to the garden. 7 John went to the garden. 8 John journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Where is she? garden 6 1 Mary went to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Daniel went to the office. 5 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 John travelled to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 8 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 9 John went to the office. 10 John went back to the kitchen. 11 Where is Mary? bedroom 7 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Where is he? garden 1 1 John went to the bedroom. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 John travelled to the garden. 4 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 6 John went to the bathroom. 7 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 8 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 9 Where is she? bathroom 4 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went back to the hallway. 3 Where is Mary? bathroom 1 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Mary went back to the office. 3 Sandra went back to the hallway. 4 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 5 Mary went back to the kitchen. 6 Mary went to the office. 7 Where is Mary? office 6 1 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 Mary went to the hallway. 4 Mary went back to the bedroom. 5 Sandra went to the kitchen. 6 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 7 Daniel journeyed to the office. 8 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 9 Where is Sandra? bedroom 8 1 John travelled to the hallway. 2 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Sandra went to the bathroom. 4 John moved to the kitchen. 5 Where is he? kitchen 2 1 John went back to the kitchen. 2 John journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Where is John? bedroom 2 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 John went back to the kitchen. 5 Where is John? kitchen 4 1 Sandra went to the bathroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Where is Mary? bathroom 2 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 John went back to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Daniel went to the bathroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 6 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 7 Daniel went to the kitchen. 8 Daniel moved to the office. 9 Where is Daniel? office 8 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel moved to the office. 5 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 7 Sandra moved to the office. 8 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 9 Where is Daniel? bedroom 5 1 Mary went to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Mary went to the bedroom. 7 Daniel journeyed to the office. 8 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 9 Sandra travelled to the office. 10 Daniel went to the bathroom. 11 Where is she? office 9 1 John travelled to the office. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Where is John? office 1 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Mary moved to the hallway. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 John went to the hallway. 6 Mary went to the bedroom. 7 John journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Daniel went to the office. 9 Mary moved to the office. 10 John moved to the garden. 11 Where is he? office 8 1 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Mary travelled to the hallway. 4 Daniel went to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the garden. 6 John travelled to the office. 7 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 8 John moved to the garden. 9 Where is John? garden 8 1 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 2 John journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Mary went to the garden. 6 John moved to the office. 7 Where is she? garden 5 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 John went to the garden. 3 Where is he? office 1 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 John journeyed to the garden. 3 Sandra went to the office. 4 Daniel moved to the hallway. 5 Where is he? hallway 4 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the bathroom. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 John went to the hallway. 5 Sandra travelled to the office. 6 Mary went to the office. 7 Mary moved to the bedroom. 8 John travelled to the kitchen. 9 Where is she? bedroom 7 1 Mary journeyed to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 3 Daniel travelled to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 6 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Daniel went to the bedroom. 8 Sandra travelled to the garden. 9 Where is she? bathroom 6 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 John went to the bathroom. 4 John moved to the office. 5 Where is she? kitchen 1 1 John went to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 John journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Sandra moved to the office. 6 Sandra went to the hallway. 7 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 8 John moved to the hallway. 9 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 10 Daniel travelled to the garden. 11 Where is he? garden 10 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 4 John went to the bathroom. 5 John moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra went to the bathroom. 7 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 8 Mary went to the hallway. 9 Where is she? hallway 7 1 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 4 John travelled to the hallway. 5 Mary went to the bathroom. 6 John journeyed to the garden. 7 Sandra journeyed to the office. 8 Sandra travelled to the garden. 9 Where is she? garden 8 1 Mary moved to the garden. 2 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 3 John travelled to the bathroom. 4 Sandra moved to the office. 5 John journeyed to the garden. 6 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 7 John went to the bathroom. 8 John went to the bedroom. 9 Daniel went to the bathroom. 10 Mary went to the office. 11 Where is she? office 10 1 Mary went to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 John travelled to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the office. 4 Sandra went to the garden. 5 John travelled to the kitchen. 6 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 7 Mary moved to the hallway. 8 Sandra went to the kitchen. 9 Daniel went back to the hallway. 10 Sandra went to the bathroom. 11 Where is Daniel? hallway 9 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Where is she? kitchen 2 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 John went to the hallway. 5 Where is she? kitchen 2 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 Mary moved to the bedroom. 3 Sandra went to the bathroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 Daniel moved to the hallway. 7 John moved to the kitchen. 8 Daniel went to the garden. 9 Mary journeyed to the garden. 10 John journeyed to the bedroom. 11 Where is Daniel? garden 8 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 Daniel moved to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Daniel went to the bathroom. 6 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Mary went to the kitchen. 8 Daniel went to the garden. 9 Daniel went to the kitchen. 10 John went to the garden. 11 Where is he? kitchen 9 1 John journeyed to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 John journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 John went to the garden. 7 Where is he? garden 3 1 Sandra moved to the office. 2 Mary travelled to the garden. 3 Mary moved to the bathroom. 4 John journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the hallway. 7 Where is he? bathroom 4 1 Daniel went back to the garden. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Where is Mary? kitchen 2 1 John journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the garden. 3 Where is Sandra? garden 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the hallway. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Where is Sandra? hallway 3 1 John travelled to the office. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Mary went to the hallway. 6 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 7 Where is Mary? hallway 5 1 Mary went back to the bathroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the garden. 3 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 Where is Mary? garden 2 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the bedroom. 6 Sandra moved to the office. 7 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 9 Where is she? bedroom 5 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Mary moved to the garden. 3 Where is she? garden 2 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 John went back to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Daniel went to the bathroom. 5 Where is John? kitchen 2 1 Daniel went to the kitchen. 2 John went to the bathroom. 3 John travelled to the garden. 4 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 5 Where is he? garden 3 1 John moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 John journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 4 John journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Sandra travelled to the garden. 8 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 9 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 10 John journeyed to the office. 11 Where is Sandra? bathroom 8 1 Daniel journeyed to the office. 2 Sandra went to the kitchen. 3 Where is Sandra? kitchen 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 John journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the garden. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Where is Daniel? office 4 1 John went back to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Sandra went to the hallway. 4 Mary went back to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 8 Mary travelled to the office. 9 Sandra travelled to the garden. 10 John went back to the hallway. 11 Where is Daniel? bedroom 7 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 John journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 5 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 3 John went back to the garden. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 5 John went to the kitchen. 6 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 7 Where is John? kitchen 5 1 John went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Where is he? bathroom 1 1 Mary went to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra went back to the office. 4 John travelled to the garden. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 John journeyed to the hallway. 7 Where is John? hallway 6 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the office. 3 Where is she? office 2 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 John went back to the bedroom. 3 Daniel went back to the office. 4 Daniel went to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the office. 6 Daniel went back to the hallway. 7 Daniel went to the bedroom. 8 John moved to the bathroom. 9 Where is Sandra? office 5 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 4 John travelled to the kitchen. 5 John moved to the bedroom. 6 John journeyed to the garden. 7 John went to the bathroom. 8 Mary moved to the office. 9 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 10 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 11 Where is he? hallway 10 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 John moved to the kitchen. 4 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the bathroom. 6 Daniel went to the bedroom. 7 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 8 Mary journeyed to the office. 9 Where is he? kitchen 3 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 Mary moved to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Daniel moved to the hallway. 6 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Where is Mary? bedroom 2 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 Where is Sandra? bathroom 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 5 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 8 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 9 Daniel went to the office. 10 Mary travelled to the office. 11 Where is she? office 10 1 Daniel journeyed to the office. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 John went to the kitchen. 5 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Mary journeyed to the office. 7 Where is he? office 1 1 John went to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 John went back to the kitchen. 5 John went back to the garden. 6 Mary moved to the kitchen. 7 John moved to the hallway. 8 Sandra went to the office. 9 Where is Mary? kitchen 6 1 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 2 John moved to the hallway. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 Where is Sandra? kitchen 1 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 4 Sandra moved to the garden. 5 Sandra travelled to the office. 6 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 7 John travelled to the bedroom. 8 Sandra moved to the hallway. 9 Where is he? bedroom 6 1 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 Sandra moved to the hallway. 4 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 5 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Sandra went to the office. 7 Where is he? bathroom 2 1 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the office. 5 Where is Sandra? bedroom 1 1 Daniel went back to the bedroom. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 4 John travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 John journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Where is Sandra? kitchen 3 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went to the office. 3 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 4 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 5 Mary travelled to the hallway. 6 Sandra went to the bedroom. 7 John went to the garden. 8 Sandra travelled to the office. 9 John journeyed to the office. 10 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 11 Where is Sandra? office 8 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the bedroom. 4 John travelled to the hallway. 5 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Mary moved to the kitchen. 7 Where is he? bedroom 5 1 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 2 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 3 Where is she? kitchen 1 1 Sandra went to the hallway. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Daniel went back to the bathroom. 4 Mary went to the bedroom. 5 Mary moved to the office. 6 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 7 Mary travelled to the garden. 8 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 9 Mary went to the office. 10 Sandra moved to the office. 11 Where is Mary? office 9 1 Daniel went back to the office. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel moved to the garden. 5 Daniel travelled to the office. 6 Mary journeyed to the office. 7 Daniel went to the bathroom. 8 Mary went back to the kitchen. 9 Where is Daniel? bathroom 7 1 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 2 John journeyed to the garden. 3 Sandra moved to the office. 4 John travelled to the bedroom. 5 Sandra went to the hallway. 6 John went to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? bedroom 1 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 Daniel went to the office. 3 Where is he? office 2 1 Mary moved to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 5 Where is she? office 2 1 Sandra went to the hallway. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 John journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 5 John went back to the garden. 6 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 7 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 8 John went to the kitchen. 9 Where is Daniel? kitchen 6 1 John journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 Daniel went back to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the hallway. 5 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went to the office. 7 Where is Daniel? office 6 1 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 4 John journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Where is Sandra? hallway 6 1 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary went back to the bathroom. 5 Mary travelled to the garden. 6 John went back to the garden. 7 Daniel went to the office. 8 Daniel moved to the garden. 9 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 10 John moved to the bedroom. 11 Where is Daniel? garden 8 1 Mary journeyed to the garden. 2 John went back to the garden. 3 Mary moved to the office. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Where is John? bedroom 4 1 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 Sandra went back to the garden. 4 John went to the garden. 5 Daniel travelled to the garden. 6 Sandra moved to the hallway. 7 Where is Sandra? hallway 6 1 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 4 John journeyed to the bathroom. 5 Where is John? bathroom 4 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel moved to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Sandra went to the kitchen. 6 John moved to the hallway. 7 John moved to the garden. 8 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 9 Where is she? garden 1 1 John went to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Mary went to the garden. 4 John journeyed to the bedroom. 5 Sandra moved to the office. 6 Sandra went to the hallway. 7 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 8 John moved to the hallway. 9 Where is she? hallway 6 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 John went to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the kitchen. 5 John moved to the office. 6 Mary travelled to the office. 7 Where is she? bathroom 2 1 Mary moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the office. 4 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 5 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 6 Sandra went to the bedroom. 7 John travelled to the office. 8 John moved to the hallway. 9 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 10 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is John? hallway 8 1 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 4 Daniel went back to the hallway. 5 Sandra travelled to the office. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Mary went to the bedroom. 8 John moved to the bedroom. 9 Where is John? bedroom 8 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 John travelled to the bathroom. 3 Daniel went back to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 5 Where is John? bathroom 2 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 John moved to the office. 6 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 7 Where is he? office 5 1 John went to the office. 2 Mary travelled to the garden. 3 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 4 Mary went back to the bedroom. 5 Mary travelled to the office. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Where is Daniel? kitchen 3 1 Daniel went back to the hallway. 2 Mary went back to the office. 3 Where is Mary? office 2 1 Daniel travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Daniel journeyed to the office. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 6 Daniel went to the hallway. 7 Daniel went back to the garden. 8 Sandra moved to the garden. 9 Mary moved to the bedroom. 10 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 11 Where is Sandra? kitchen 10 1 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 2 Mary went back to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 5 John travelled to the bathroom. 6 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 7 John went back to the office. 8 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 9 Where is Daniel? kitchen 6 1 Sandra moved to the garden. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 John moved to the bathroom. 4 John went to the garden. 5 John journeyed to the bedroom. 6 Sandra went to the office. 7 Sandra went to the bathroom. 8 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 9 Where is Sandra? kitchen 8 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the bedroom. 3 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 John travelled to the bedroom. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 John moved to the kitchen. 6 John moved to the office. 7 Where is he? office 6 1 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 Sandra went back to the garden. 4 John went to the garden. 5 Daniel travelled to the garden. 6 Sandra moved to the hallway. 7 Daniel went to the kitchen. 8 Daniel journeyed to the office. 9 Where is John? garden 4 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 John journeyed to the garden. 4 John moved to the bedroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Mary went to the office. 8 Mary went to the hallway. 9 Where is he? kitchen 5 1 Sandra went to the bedroom. 2 Mary moved to the office. 3 John travelled to the bedroom. 4 Mary went to the garden. 5 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the garden. 7 Where is she? kitchen 5 1 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 Sandra moved to the hallway. 4 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 5 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 6 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 7 Daniel moved to the hallway. 8 Daniel travelled to the office. 9 Mary journeyed to the office. 10 Daniel went to the kitchen. 11 Where is she? office 9 1 John went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 3 John went to the garden. 4 John went to the bedroom. 5 Sandra went to the office. 6 Daniel went to the bathroom. 7 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 8 John went back to the hallway. 9 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 10 Sandra journeyed to the bathroom. 11 Where is Daniel? bathroom 6 1 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 3 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 4 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 5 Sandra moved to the hallway. 6 Daniel went to the kitchen. 7 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 8 Mary travelled to the office. 9 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 10 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 11 Where is she? office 8 1 Mary moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra moved to the hallway. 3 Where is she? hallway 2 1 Daniel went to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 John moved to the office. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 7 Where is he? office 3 1 John journeyed to the hallway. 2 Daniel went to the kitchen. 3 Daniel went to the bedroom. 4 Daniel went to the kitchen. 5 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 6 John journeyed to the kitchen. 7 Mary went to the office. 8 Daniel went to the bathroom. 9 Daniel moved to the garden. 10 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 11 Where is she? hallway 10 1 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Daniel journeyed to the office. 5 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 6 John moved to the kitchen. 7 Where is John? kitchen 6 1 John journeyed to the garden. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 John went to the bedroom. 4 Mary went back to the bathroom. 5 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 6 Sandra went to the kitchen. 7 Daniel moved to the hallway. 8 John travelled to the garden. 9 John went back to the bathroom. 10 Sandra went to the bedroom. 11 Where is John? bathroom 9 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 John went back to the office. 3 Sandra went back to the garden. 4 John went back to the bedroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 6 Daniel went to the office. 7 Sandra went back to the bedroom. 8 John went to the office. 9 Where is John? office 8 1 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 2 John moved to the office. 3 John went to the bathroom. 4 John travelled to the office. 5 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 6 Sandra moved to the garden. 7 John travelled to the kitchen. 8 John went back to the bathroom. 9 Where is John? bathroom 8 1 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 2 Mary travelled to the hallway. 3 John travelled to the hallway. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 John went to the kitchen. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Where is she? office 4 1 John went to the bathroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 3 Daniel went to the office. 4 Daniel went to the bedroom. 5 Where is he? bedroom 4 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the office. 3 Where is he? garden 1 1 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 2 John travelled to the garden. 3 Mary went to the hallway. 4 Mary went back to the bedroom. 5 Sandra went to the kitchen. 6 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 7 Where is Sandra? garden 6 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Where is she? kitchen 2 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Where is he? office 1 1 Sandra moved to the garden. 2 John went to the garden. 3 Where is John? garden 2 1 Sandra went to the hallway. 2 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 3 John journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the office. 5 Mary travelled to the garden. 6 Mary went to the office. 7 Where is he? bathroom 3 1 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the hallway. 3 John moved to the bathroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 John went to the hallway. 7 Sandra moved to the hallway. 8 John journeyed to the bathroom. 9 Daniel went back to the garden. 10 Mary went to the garden. 11 Where is John? bathroom 8 1 John went to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the kitchen. 4 John moved to the garden. 5 Where is he? garden 4 1 Mary moved to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 3 John went back to the hallway. 4 John went to the office. 5 John moved to the kitchen. 6 John travelled to the bathroom. 7 Sandra travelled to the garden. 8 Sandra went to the bathroom. 9 Where is John? bathroom 6 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 Where is Mary? hallway 2 1 Daniel journeyed to the bathroom. 2 John moved to the bathroom. 3 John went to the garden. 4 Mary journeyed to the office. 5 Where is he? garden 3 1 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 2 John travelled to the kitchen. 3 Sandra moved to the hallway. 4 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 5 Sandra travelled to the office. 6 John moved to the bedroom. 7 Where is Sandra? office 5 1 Sandra went to the bathroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 3 Sandra went back to the kitchen. 4 Daniel went back to the hallway. 5 John moved to the garden. 6 Daniel went to the office. 7 Where is Mary? bathroom 2 1 Sandra went to the office. 2 Mary moved to the kitchen. 3 Mary went to the bedroom. 4 John travelled to the hallway. 5 Where is she? bedroom 3 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Where is she? garden 4 1 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 2 John went back to the hallway. 3 John moved to the bathroom. 4 Sandra journeyed to the garden. 5 Where is John? bathroom 3 1 Sandra went to the kitchen. 2 Mary moved to the hallway. 3 Sandra travelled to the office. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 6 Sandra moved to the hallway. 7 Where is she? hallway 6 1 Mary went to the kitchen. 2 Sandra went to the garden. 3 John journeyed to the hallway. 4 John went back to the bathroom. 5 Where is Mary? kitchen 1 1 Daniel travelled to the kitchen. 2 John went to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the hallway. 4 Mary went to the office. 5 Mary went to the bathroom. 6 Sandra went to the office. 7 Daniel moved to the office. 8 John went to the kitchen. 9 Where is he? office 7 1 Daniel travelled to the office. 2 John moved to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 5 Mary went to the office. 6 Daniel moved to the garden. 7 Daniel journeyed to the office. 8 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 9 Mary went to the bathroom. 10 Sandra journeyed to the kitchen. 11 Where is he? garden 2 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel went to the bedroom. 3 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 4 Sandra went to the garden. 5 Where is she? hallway 2 1 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the hallway. 3 Where is she? hallway 2 1 John went back to the bathroom. 2 John went to the bedroom. 3 Where is John? bedroom 2 1 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary went back to the bathroom. 5 Where is Daniel? bathroom 3 1 Mary went to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the bedroom. 3 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 Mary went to the bedroom. 6 Mary moved to the office. 7 Where is she? bedroom 2 1 John travelled to the bedroom. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Where is he? bedroom 2 1 John journeyed to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Mary went to the office. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Mary journeyed to the kitchen. 6 Sandra went to the kitchen. 7 John travelled to the kitchen. 8 Sandra travelled to the garden. 9 Where is she? garden 8 1 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 2 Daniel went back to the kitchen. 3 John moved to the bedroom. 4 Sandra went to the kitchen. 5 Where is Daniel? kitchen 2 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the garden. 3 Mary went to the kitchen. 4 Daniel moved to the bathroom. 5 Daniel travelled to the garden. 6 John journeyed to the hallway. 7 Where is he? hallway 6 1 Mary journeyed to the office. 2 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 3 Daniel travelled to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 5 Sandra journeyed to the hallway. 6 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 7 Daniel went to the bedroom. 8 Sandra travelled to the garden. 9 Daniel moved to the hallway. 10 Daniel went to the kitchen. 11 Where is she? garden 8 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John travelled to the bedroom. 3 Where is he? garden 1 1 Mary travelled to the garden. 2 Sandra journeyed to the office. 3 Daniel moved to the garden. 4 Sandra moved to the hallway. 5 Sandra went to the kitchen. 6 John moved to the hallway. 7 John moved to the garden. 8 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 9 John went to the office. 10 Daniel travelled to the garden. 11 Where is he? garden 10 1 Sandra went back to the bathroom. 2 Sandra travelled to the garden. 3 Mary journeyed to the bathroom. 4 Sandra went to the kitchen. 5 Daniel journeyed to the office. 6 John went to the garden. 7 John journeyed to the hallway. 8 John travelled to the bathroom. 9 Where is Daniel? office 5 1 Mary travelled to the hallway. 2 Sandra journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Mary travelled to the garden. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 Daniel journeyed to the garden. 6 Mary travelled to the bedroom. 7 John moved to the hallway. 8 Sandra moved to the bathroom. 9 John went to the garden. 10 John moved to the office. 11 Where is she? bedroom 6 1 Sandra travelled to the bathroom. 2 Mary journeyed to the office. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 John moved to the office. 5 Mary went to the hallway. 6 John went back to the hallway. 7 Where is Mary? hallway 5 1 Daniel moved to the bedroom. 2 John moved to the bedroom. 3 Mary went back to the bedroom. 4 Mary travelled to the office. 5 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 6 John moved to the garden. 7 Where is Mary? bedroom 5 1 John went to the office. 2 Daniel moved to the office. 3 Where is he? office 2 1 Daniel went to the office. 2 John travelled to the office. 3 Where is he? office 1 1 John travelled to the bedroom. 2 Mary went to the bathroom. 3 Mary journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Where is John? bedroom 1 1 John moved to the garden. 2 Daniel travelled to the office. 3 Sandra went to the bedroom. 4 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 5 Mary moved to the hallway. 6 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 7 Sandra went to the garden. 8 Mary went to the garden. 9 Where is he? hallway 6 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 3 Sandra travelled to the kitchen. 4 Mary moved to the garden. 5 John moved to the office. 6 Mary travelled to the bathroom. 7 Mary went to the garden. 8 Daniel travelled to the hallway. 9 Where is she? garden 7 1 John journeyed to the hallway. 2 Daniel travelled to the garden. 3 Where is he? hallway 1 1 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 2 Mary went to the garden. 3 Mary travelled to the kitchen. 4 Mary went to the bathroom. 5 Sandra went to the garden. 6 Mary moved to the hallway. 7 Where is she? hallway 6 1 Daniel went to the garden. 2 John moved to the office. 3 Daniel moved to the hallway. 4 Mary moved to the kitchen. 5 John travelled to the garden. 6 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 7 Where is he? hallway 3 1 John moved to the kitchen. 2 Sandra travelled to the office. 3 Daniel went to the garden. 4 John journeyed to the garden. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 John went back to the office. 7 Mary moved to the bedroom. 8 Sandra travelled to the garden. 9 Where is Sandra? garden 8 1 John journeyed to the bathroom. 2 Daniel moved to the kitchen. 3 John journeyed to the bedroom. 4 Mary moved to the office. 5 Sandra moved to the kitchen. 6 John moved to the kitchen. 7 Sandra travelled to the office. 8 Daniel moved to the hallway. 9 Where is he? hallway 8 1 John travelled to the garden. 2 Mary went back to the office. 3 Where is Mary? office 2 1 Sandra went to the bathroom. 2 Mary travelled to the office. 3 Mary moved to the bedroom. 4 Daniel travelled to the bathroom. 5 John travelled to the bedroom. 6 Daniel journeyed to the hallway. 7 Sandra travelled to the hallway. 8 John went to the garden. 9 John journeyed to the bathroom. 10 Sandra moved to the bedroom. 11 Where is he? hallway 6