Below, are a few command files containing examples of the use of the LDPC programs, together with the output I obtained for these examples. Output on other machines might conceivably be slightly different.
ex-ham7b, output in ex-ham7b.out
A (7,4) Hamming code used with a BSC. Demonstrates actual encoding of random messages, and decoding to minimize bit error rate by exhaustive enumeration.
ex-ham7a, output in ex-ham7a.out
A (4,7) Hamming code used with an AWGN channel. Tested using zero messages. Decoded by exhaustive enumeration to minimize either block or bit error rate, and by probability propagation.
ex-ldpc-encode, output in ex-ldpc-encode.out
Encodes messages with an LDPC code using sparse, dense, and mixed representations of the generator matrix.
ex-ldpc36-1000a, output in ex-ldpc36-1000a.out
A (2000,1000) LDPC code with 3 checks per bit and 6 bits per check. Three encoding methods are tried out, and the code is tested on an AWGN channel at various noise levels, using zero messages.
ex-ldpc36-1000a, output in ex-ldpc36-5000a.out
A (10000,5000) LDPC code with 3 checks per bit and 6 bits per check. Tested on an AWGN channel at various noise levels, using zero messages.